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20 Ideas to Take Better Care of YOU This Fall

How do you improve your self and take BETTER care of YOU this Fall? Here are 20 ideas that will undoubtedly help you take better care of YOU (choose a few)…

1. Choose a day to completely unplug and enjoy the day. No guilt or shame allowed. Just allow yourself to indulge in taking care of YOU.

2. Make a pot of chili or homemade soup. It’s great for the soul. Add some cornbread with that chili and you’re really in business.

3. Go on a nature hike or take a walk outside and enjoy the foliage. Can. Not. Wait. For. Telluride.

4. Declutter and get rid of things you no longer need. We did this recently at Fitness Quest 10 and it felt SO good to have a “purge party” and deep cleaning of the gym. It inspired me to go home and do the same in my closet. Ahhhh!!! #Purge #CleanItUp

Purge Party 2017 Collage

5. Start a fire in the fireplace and read a great book (I’m reading “A Life Beyond Amazing” right now).

6. Spend time journaling or writing. 15 minutes is good. 30 minutes or more is magical.

7. Enjoy your morning beverage outside.

8. Indulge in a pumpkin protein shake…or at least some pumpkin bread or even a pumpkin coffee.

9. Get spiritual. Meditate. Read. Or spend time in prayer.

10. Get a professional massage this month. And if you really want to indulge, book it for 90 minutes. Your body and mind will thank you regardless!

11. Dig your cold weather clothes out of the closet. Put some warm blankets on your bed.

12. Decorate for the Halloween and Thanksgiving holidays. It puts people in a good mood, connects you to the season, and brings out the inner child in everyone.

13. Sleep with your windows open!

14. Exercise/Train outside. Just be sure you put on a grey hoodie—it helps. 🙂

15. Attend a “Friday Night Lights” high school football game in your area… even if you don’t know anyone. There’s something about cool air, high school football, the band, cheerleaders, and a hot chocolate that is just so ALL-American. #FridayNightLights

Friday Night Lights Collage

16. Go apple picking…and maybe even indulge in a piece of apple pie (Yes, you’re allowed. Just be sure to get in a good workout the next day :)).

17. Write a love letter, a hand-written thank you letter, or share a gratitude text with someone you appreciate.

18. Paint pumpkins with inspirational sayings. # #Family #Happy #IMPACT

Pumpkins Painted With Inspirational Sayings

19. Book a “winter” vacation right now. Maybe it’s for some snow skiing. Maybe it’s to visit a warm-weather place for the middle of winter. Or maybe it’s a winter getaway workshop/conference/Mentorship to feed all aspects of your living.

20. Book a Retreat. It’s too late for you to join me in Telluride this weekend but I’ll have more Retreat options coming up for you in 2018. In the meantime, find one of your favorite destinations and create a 2-3 day “retreat” just for you. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it!

Those are just a few of my ideas. Which ones MOST resonate with you? Do me a favor and hop over to my Facebook FAN page and comment on your top suggestions and which ones you are going to do this month.

Or perhaps you have another idea that you can add to the conversation that will catapult someone into taking ACTION. Hop over there now…I can’t wait to see your comments.

Remember, a BETTER WORLD BEGINS WITH A BETTER YOU! And you deserve to be at your BEST.

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