Todd Durkin Fitness Success


Achieving Success in the Fitness Industry

5 Strategic Steps to Achieve Maximum Success and Significance in 2024 and Beyond

WOW! I am so FIRED UP from the webinar on “Achieving Success in the Fitness Industry!” We had more than 100 people on the call from all parts of the fitness industry! I hope you were on the call LIVE, but if you missed it, here’s the REPLAY for you.

About 40 minutes into the Webinar, I shared some BIG NEWS.

I announced that I am opening registration for my Todd Durkin Mastermind Program.

I believe so strongly in the power of coaching and the power of connection! We can go a long way on our own, but when we want to ACHIEVE OUR MAXIMUM SUCCESS, we have to surround ourselves with people who motivate, inspire and challenge us, and who also keep us accountable to our actions.

My Mastermind Program has been running for 17 years!

That’s right! For 17 years, I’ve been coaching and mentoring fitness professionals to grow and get better!

People who have been a part of my program have accomplished some incredible things from opening new fitness businesses to publishing best-selling books to being inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame!!

The power of being part of a team, and of having a coach and mentor to help them is what leads to success…and it can do the same for you.

Click the button below to Enroll or Learn More!