Unlock Your God-Sized Dreams Exclusive Bonuses Now!!

As part of our commitment to your extraordinary journey in 2024, we’ve prepared a few special bonuses just for you. These resources are designed to complement your GSD Planner and provide additional tools and insights to elevate your experience.

Bonus #1: Digital Version of The “Annual Strategic Plan” (Available NOW)

Empower Your Vision Digitally

Get the digital version of the “Annual Strategic Plan.”  Perfect for those who prefer to plan and strategize on their laptop or computer.

Download Now: Click below to download your digital copy NOW and start mapping out your 2024 dreams and goals today!

Bonus #2: TD’s Personal VIDEO Guide (2 Separate VIDEO Messages)

VIDEO #1. Insights, Thoughts, and Strategies to Maximize Your God-Sized Dreams Planner and “Annual Strategic Plan.”

 In the video below, Todd gives you an overview of the GSD Planner and guides you through the Annual Strategic Plan step-by-step so you can begin the journey immediately.

Part 2 - Todd Sharing his Annual Strategic Plan Answers

VIDEO #2. Straight from Todd Durkin This is a deep dive (over 1-hour) into the Annual Strategic Plan where Todd delivers VIDEO coaching on ALL 10-sections of your Annual Strategic Plan and shares his personal insights and answers from his own Annual Strategic Plan.
Exclusive Coaching Experience: Go beyond the GSD Planner with Todd’s coaching through key sections, offering invaluable guidance to make your 2024 truly impactful. Listen Now & Later: Access VIDEO/AUDIO #1 now and enjoy this one-of-a-kind video experience to deepen your understanding and application of the 2024 GSD Planner’s principles. And then go deeper go even deeper on your Annual Strategic Plan with AUDIO/VIDEO #2.