Let’s talk shop today. I have my good friend Brian Bradley, who I’ve known for two decades, in the house. Brian is a biomechanist who happens to be one of the smartest guys I know when it comes to human performance and getting Pain-Free. Brian, who has worked with the Egoscue Clinic for more than 2-decades, is on a mission to help millions learn how to live a healthier and pain-free life.
In today’s episode, we talk about:
– The connection between your feet and your body.
– The best training tools are free.
– The Sport of Sitting
– Emotional healing and physical healing
– Lessons learned working with Tony Robbins
– The importance of the bicep in core training
– CTE and Brian’s take on it.
If you know of anyone who is dealing with chronic pain, please share today’s episode on your social media and tag me at:
IG/Twitter: @ToddDurkin @thebrianbradley
Facebook: @ToddDurkinFQ10
#ToddDurkin #IMPACTShow203 #EgoscueClinic #PainFree
:05 – Huge NEWS!!!!!
4:30 – Meet my good friend Brian Bradley
7:17 – The best outside training tool that is FREE!
10:00 – The connection between your feet and the rest of your body
14:30 – The sport of sitting: The lack of movement.
22:08 – Pain Free – Pete Egoscue.
29:10 – Brian shares lessons learned from Tony Robbins.
43:25 – I learned to read at 49.
49:12 – Let’s talk CTE.
51:34 – The importance of the bicep in core training.