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27 Ways To Boost Your ENERGY Now!

27 Ways To Boost Your ENERGY Now!
by Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS

I think I have talked to about 5 people alone this week who were really tired. Like really, really tired. Exhausted. Fatigued. No energy. Trying to muster up energy and there is nothing there. And this was before they even started working out.

Sound familiar?

If you are looking to boost your energy, overcome “adrenal fatigue,” and get back on track to feeling normal again, I wrote an article all about ENERGY. Here are 27 ways to boost your energy NOW:

27 Ways to Boost Your ENERGY Now!

I. Improve the quality of your SLEEP. Without quality sleep, your productivity and performance is going to greatly diminish. And I’m more concerned about the QUALITY of sleep than your amount of sleep. Here are some things you can do to improve the QUALITY of your sleep.

1. Get black out shades. Get it dark in there!
2. Remove electromagnetic waves from your bedroom. Do not put your smart-phone next to your bed and sleep with it anywhere near your head. Turn off the TV. Disconnect from the computer 30 minutes prior to going to bed. All these affect your REM sleep which occurs early on in your sleep patterns and accounts for your ultimate recovery and deep sleep.
3. Supplement for success. Zinc, magnesium, and melatonin have all been shown to improve the quality of sleep. Lavender essential oil can also help your system relax and aid in sleep also.
4. No caffeine after 2 pm.
5. Set a regular bedtime. And the more minutes/hours you get BEFORE midnight, the better!
6. And yes, get MORE sleep!

II. Nutrition. This plays a major role in how you feel and the energy you experience. After all, you are what you eat!

7. Greens shake in the AM. There is nothing better than throwing the following in the blender in the morning: spinach, kale, blueberries, banana, 1 scoop of protein powder, ice, and coconut water or almond milk. Great way to start off your day and get your energy firing on all cylinders.
8. No bread or white-pasta. These starches will slow you down and make you feel sluggish. Clean it up.
9. Focus on eating real food. Fruits, vegetables, and plants. These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients and will add sustained vitality to your day.
10. Bye-bye “energy drinks.” These are temporary band-aids to your fatigue and will ultimately make you crash even harder. Toss them out!
11. Reduce caffeine. 200 mg of caffeine a day or less. And no caffeine after 2 pm.
12. Zero alcohol. This affects sleep and circadian rhythms and therefore negatively affects your hormones.
13. Supplement for success. Licorice root (natural energy), ginseng, ginger, ginkgo balboa can all positively improve your health and energy. Remember, supplements do not replace sound eating habits. They should simply supplement an already healthy diet.
14. Lighten up! If you want to increase energy, you must actually eat smaller portion sizes and eat more frequently. That means you are eating about 6x a day, every 3-4 hours and the portion sizes are about half of what you normally consume. This keeps your fat-burning furnace on fire and your energy from spiking up & down.

III. Exercise & Recovery. Move those beautiful bodies and nurture your mind, body, & spirit!

15. Do yoga. It feels good!
16. Pray or Meditate every morning for 5-15 minutes minimum. The more…the better!
17. Get back in your workout routine. I know you have been busy. Just. Get. Started. Again. Even a 15-20 minute workout awakens the energy, regulates hormones, and releases chemicals like endorphins that naturally boost energy and mood. And do that most days of the week.  This can include walking, jogging, lifting weights, hiking, or any other vigorous activity that elevates your heart rate.
18. GO HARD 2X per week! Mix in at least 2 “high-intensity interval” IMPACT-inspired workouts sessions for 15-20 minutes per week into your “normal” routine to account for maximum results. This diversity will not only fight boredom, but will skyrocket your energy and your results.
19. Hop in the infrared sauna. We have them at Fitness Quest 10 in both the men’s and women’s locker room. Use them. Sit in there at 140 degrees or above for 10+ minutes and they will help you flush out toxins, recover quicker and feel better.
20. Get a massage. When was the last time you had a massage? I just received a 90 minute massage the other day. Massage is NOT a luxury. It’s a necessity that keeps the soft-tissue supple, the mind relaxed, and the energy balanced. #BookIt

IV. And Then Some:

21. Slow Down. Hey, I know we are all busy. Work. Kids. Practices. After-school activities. Games on weekends. And the list goes on and on. But slow down and enjoy all that life offers. And realize that you do have a CHOICE of what you say “yes” to and what you say “no” to. Maybe you can say NO more often to things that will complicate your life and YES to things that will simplify it.
22. Maximize your time. And when your kids are at practice, get a walk/jog/or workout in. It only takes 20-30 minutes to clear your mind and reduce stress & anxiety. Get it in, wherever, whenever!
23. Get tested. You can always visit a physician and get a blood panel drawn. This will tell you where your cortisol (stress-hormone) levels are amongst other factors that are important in determining the health of your adrenal glands (these secrete important hormones that ultimately dictate energy levels).
24. Spend time in nature. I just got back from the mountains in Telluride, CO. There is something extremely rejuvenating about spending time in nature. And taking a hike or doing a mountain-bike ride. Or visiting inspirational places. Or in attending a retreat. Honor yourself and get it in YOUR schedule. And get your mind, body, spirit, and energy right.

25. Spend time with people you like and who make you smile. There is something tremendously therapeutic about smiling and laughing. So make sure you remove any energy vampires from your life and spend time with people who make you feel good.
26. Do things that move your soul. Identify 3-5 activities, hobbies, practices that you love to do and that are healthy for you to do. And do them more often. Doing things that move your soul inspires passion. And passion is the root of all energy.
27. Create some adventure and FUN in your life. Be sure to put things on your calendar that you look forward to and that fire you up. Whether it be a fun social event, an inspirational trip, or a “date night” out on the town, these things can spruce up your energy and revitalize the spirit.

Which of the 27 are you going to choose to do? Choose 2 or 3 of them that you have NOT been doing and then write them down in a journal or on a sheet of paper. And then do them for 7 straight days. I promise you, even if you only add 2 or 3 new ones, your ENERGY will be far superior then what it’s been.

And then you too will be soaring like an eagle.

Time to fly.

Much love… and much ENERGY.


Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is an internationally-recognized performance trainer, bodyworker, speaker, author, and owner of award-winning gym Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA (one of the Top 10 Gyms in the U.S.). His outstanding team of 38 professionals deliver extraordinary service in personal training, sports performance training, massage/bodywork, Pilates, yoga, physical therapy and chiropractic. Todd is the Lead Training Advisor for Under Armour, regular contributor to Men’s Health, and author of The IMPACT! Body Plan.

Todd is also the President/CEO of Todd Durkin Enterprises where he conducts motivational keynotes/presentations, educational & leadership workshops, he operates a Mastermind Group for dedicated fitness entrepreneurs, and he presents internationally on health, fitness, peak performance, and success in life.

You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @ToddDurkin, his FB Fan page at ToddDurkinFQ10, or sign up for his monthly motivational newsletter at You can get more information on his facility at or

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