Buckle Up, Baby!
Will Be In Your Hands Soon!

Info about your bonuses will be sent to your inbox— so keep your eye out for an email from me!

Want to help make TRUE STRENGTH a best-seller?

Spread the word!

Step 1: Save this image to your phone.

True Strength

(Just hold down on it and choose “Save Image” to save it to your camera roll, so you can easily include it with your post.)

Step 2: Share on social!

Don’t know what to say? Paste one of these two messages with your post or story.
I just ordered TRUE STRENGTH by @todddurkin & @clay.manley
Can’t wait to read it!
I just ordered TRUE STRENGTH by @todddurkin & @clay.manley
I know what I’m reading this summer 🔥

Step 3: Check your mail!

When TRUE STRENGTH arrives, snap a pic holding the book
(and tag me @ToddDurkin and my co-author @Clay.Manley on social for another shout-out).

We’ll do our best to re-share every story we’re tagged in!