Pain Questions (An Interview with Todd Durkin)
This is an interview with Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, NCTMB, and owner of Fitness Quest 10. His clinic in San Diego focuses on pain management, corrective exercise, therapeutic massage and bodywork, and performance enhancement. Todd is a national presenter and is someone who once dealt with chronic pain. In addition to running his clinic, he […]
Overcoming Challenges
by Pat Jak We all encounter problems in our lives – obstacles or challenges that seem to keep us from reaching our goals. They can consume our every fiber and drag us down. From the standpoint of our health and fitness they can disrupt our peace of mind, our state of being, and even our […]
No-Nonsense Rules to Live By During the Holidays
The holidays are an extremely challenging time for you if you are not in a consistent routine for your health and fitness. Here are some no nonsense solutions to help you to not only survive the holidays, but to thrive during them. Keep a food journal. Write down everything you eat for the next few […]
My Aching Back
I. Common Causes of Back Pain Sitting: Sitting causes the entire lower half of the body to be inactive. As a result, the lower body is unable to properly support the torso causing structural compensation and eventually, pain. Over time, this can leave the body weak at the hips and legs. Lack of Proper Exercise: […]
More Is Better?
In America, we live in a culture that everything has to be bigger, badder, and better. When it comes to food, everything is supersized. When it comes to exercise, we often obsess with it. When it comes to lifting weights, the mentality is often always “heavier is better”. In our “more is better” mentality, we […]
Metabolism and Anti-Aging
Question: I am a 45 year old woman and recently I heard that you lose muscle every year due to aging. Is this true and what should I do to increase my metabolism and offset the deleterious side-effects of aging? Aging is an interesting phenomenon that can be challenging both physically and emotionally. In your […]
Look and Feel Great Before the New Year!
It is that time of the year where Thanksgiving, holiday parties, holiday shopping, and busy schedules detract us from achieving our health and fitness goals. The average person often gains between 7-10 pounds over this often grueling 6 week period. My plea to you is to commit to take the steps necessary to not be […]
Living the Life You Desire
by John Maguire Discovering “The Secret” Have you seen the movie, “The Secret”? Oprah has had two shows on it, which drew the biggest response in her show’s history. Everyone is talking about it. “The Secret” is about a universal law of nature (just like gravity) that determines our health, relationships, success or failure – […]
My oldest son, Luke, started kindergarten last week and it left me feeling very nostalgic. As he walked up to his new school on the first day holding my hand, I couldn’t help but think about how his real “education” was about to begin. My feelings of excitement, sadness, and curiosity made me think of […]
Keys to Creating Positive Energy in Your Training Session
There is nothing more important than providing positive energy in your personal training session or group exercise class. Positive energy goes a long way in providing a positive experience for your clients whose lives are often filled with stress, negativity, and a litany of complications in their own personal or professional lives. Here are some […]