Youth Kids and The Transformation Into An Athlete
It is my understanding that most youth are driven by what somebody tells them to do, i.e. their coach, parent, or teacher. This is understandable because youth can be socially and physically immature. However, it is also my understanding the advice that some, if not most coaches are telling their youths regarding physical development is […]
The 7 Principles of NFL Athleticism
by Ryan Burgess Baseball may still be America’s pastime, but professional football is America’s passion. Every Sunday the attention of an entire nation is locked on the NFL and the jaw-dropping athleticism of its players. Sunday can be an excuse for people to sit around eating like pigs and drinking like fish. While those around […]
What Gets You In The Game?
What Gets You In the Game? Brett Klika C.S.C.S. I was having a conversation with a very successful local basketball coach the other day. He was sharing insight he had learned from an NBA scout in regards to assessing talent. When a scout assesses a player, it is not merely a matter of “they’re good” […]
Corrective Exercise: Does it have a place in MMA strength training?
By Doug Balzarini, C.S.C.S., Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fitness Quest 10 (San Diego, CA) Trying to convince a combat athlete that thoracic spine mobility drills will help him in the octagon is like trying to convince my girlfriend that size doesn’t matter (talking arm size of course). These athletes want to be faster, stronger, and […]
So What Can We Do At Home?
By: Brett Klika, C.S.C.S. Director of Athletics, Fitness Quest 10 “What can we do at home to make our son or daughter a better athlete?” This is one of the most common questions I come across with parents. For the sake of this discussion, “at home” means things that are done outside of professionally supervised […]
Sport Specific Training For Youth – Athlete and Parents Beware
By Brett Klika “Sport Specific” is the new marketing buzzword when it comes to strength and conditioning programs for youth. Uneducated masses of parents and coaches herd their sports teams at a young age into “athletic performance” programs that supposedly address the strength, movement, and speed demands of one specific sport. The idea looks great […]
Off-Season Volleyball Training
By Ryan Rogers Even though it’s “winter” here in California, that doesn’t mean it’s a chance to sit on the couch and relax until summer returns. Now is the time to hit the gym and the beach to work on your strength and conditioning to improve your game. The game of volleyball is a combination […]
Would You Like Fries With That?
The other day I was talking with a young woman who was distressed about her life. She complained that everything was tough, “I have no time to exercise, I have two kids, I work ten to twelve hours a day, my husband was just laid off, the economy is stressing me out and I am […]
The When’s and Why’s of Youth Weight Training
By Brett Klika I’m often faced with the question “When should my son or daughter start lifting weights?” Parents are often surprised at my response. “Weight training” in youth has been made into a complex enigma based on old urban myths, overzealous, uneducated parents and coaches, and fruitless convention. When one stops to evaluate what […]
Recession-Proof Your Business the Ritz-Carlton Way
Are you scared? Do you live in fear of a flattened economy? Do you feel you have to work harder than ever to just stay “even” with the past? I was discussing the down-turned economy with an extremely valued client the other day and we were talking about how difficult times often teach you many […]