Reality Show Pitch

My Reality Show Pitch -Brett Klika Weight loss shows are a hit. Modern society’s insatiable voyeuristic appetite drives millions of viewers to tune in and watch the profoundly overweight, devoid of hope or motivation, endure overly intensive physical and emotional struggles to win a race to the lowest number on the scale. Special diets, celebrity […]

Do Your Clients “Work Hard?”

Brett Klika C.S.C.S. “Raise your hand if you ever get frustrated with your clients lack of willingness to “work hard.”  This is a question I often ask when I’m speaking to groups of fitness professionals across the nation and around the world.  As nearly everyone in attendance fervently hoists their hand in the air, it’s […]

Creating The Need For Rest

Working out, what exactly does that mean? Some of us have been exercising for years doing the same things, with the same effort, and not seeing results. We feel frustrated and it becomes easy to let a workout slip by without feeling like were really missing anything.  We say we’re “working out,” but in truth we […]

Refuse To Fail

Just two weeks ago, someone asked me (for the umpteenth time) if I ever get mad. I responded to the question in my opening letter for our Fitness Quest 10 Insider telling about a particularly chaotic evening when our three young children clearly outnumbered me, and my wife, Melanie. I was totally frustrated that night. […]

Goal Setting- Your Personal Blueprint To Fitness Success!

Learn all about the why and the when in your fitness plan by setting goals! Also, you will find a few tips on helping you with the how in your plan! By: Mauro Di Pasquale Here’s an idea for your next vacation. Take a week off from work, gas up the car, pack up the […]

S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting For Fitness And Weight Management

by fitnessmantra “Make Fitness Your Way Of Life”. At its core, this FitnessMantra philosophy embodies making small, (usually) right choices throughout our lives instead of quick spurts of fad-diets and retrogressions. But, while choosing to live, eat and exercise right should be our lifelong mantra, tangible achievements almost always involve setting several short-term goals. And […]

Goal Setting Success Guide – Fitness Goal Setting

Before beginning any fitness goal setting program, you need to decide what you want out of it. Do you want to: improve your appearance physical skills build endurance, flexibility or strength lose weight Make sure the activities that you pick specifically meet the fitness goal setting result you want. With fitness goal setting, it is […]

The Top 10 Steps to Set and Achieve Your Goals – Every Time!

by Dr. Philip E. Humbert It’s been said that everyone has goals, whether we know it or not. We have goals to keep our current job, or to get a different one. We have goals to save for the future, or to travel, take a vacation, or purchase the things we need and want to […]

The Summer Sloth Syndrome

Brett Klika C.S.C.S. For many youngsters, summer is a time for “free time.”  No school, homework, or daily structure.  It’s truly time to “be a kid.”  Ah, the carefree days of being a kid… doing mom’s list of chores, playing every ball (real and made up) game with the neighbor kids, riding bikes, and getting […]

10 Tips to Kick Your Motivation Into Overdrive

By: Marcus Smith Imagine waking up to the sound of the loud screech of an alarm clock. You look over and the display reads 6:15 am. That alarm has been set for one reason and one reason only… for you to wake up and hit the gym. Instinctively you hit the snooze button and return […]