Goal Setting- Your Personal Blueprint To Fitness Success!

Learn all about the why and the when in your fitness plan by setting goals! Also, you will find a few tips on helping you with the how in your plan! By: Mauro Di Pasquale Here’s an idea for your next vacation. Take a week off from work, gas up the car, pack up the […]

S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting For Fitness And Weight Management

by fitnessmantra “Make Fitness Your Way Of Life”. At its core, this FitnessMantra philosophy embodies making small, (usually) right choices throughout our lives instead of quick spurts of fad-diets and retrogressions. But, while choosing to live, eat and exercise right should be our lifelong mantra, tangible achievements almost always involve setting several short-term goals. And […]

Goal Setting Success Guide – Fitness Goal Setting

Before beginning any fitness goal setting program, you need to decide what you want out of it. Do you want to: improve your appearance physical skills build endurance, flexibility or strength lose weight Make sure the activities that you pick specifically meet the fitness goal setting result you want. With fitness goal setting, it is […]

The Top 10 Steps to Set and Achieve Your Goals – Every Time!

by Dr. Philip E. Humbert It’s been said that everyone has goals, whether we know it or not. We have goals to keep our current job, or to get a different one. We have goals to save for the future, or to travel, take a vacation, or purchase the things we need and want to […]

The Summer Sloth Syndrome

Brett Klika C.S.C.S. For many youngsters, summer is a time for “free time.”  No school, homework, or daily structure.  It’s truly time to “be a kid.”  Ah, the carefree days of being a kid… doing mom’s list of chores, playing every ball (real and made up) game with the neighbor kids, riding bikes, and getting […]

10 Tips to Kick Your Motivation Into Overdrive

By: Marcus Smith Imagine waking up to the sound of the loud screech of an alarm clock. You look over and the display reads 6:15 am. That alarm has been set for one reason and one reason only… for you to wake up and hit the gym. Instinctively you hit the snooze button and return […]

20 Get Motivating Motivators

By Garrett J. Braunreiter, CSCS, The Energy Coach Studies have shown that carrying groceries, doing yardwork, and cleaning your house counts as physical activity. So, while you’re not exercising per se, you’re at least giving your body some physical benefits. But still you know that this kind of activity isn’t going to guarantee a flatter […]

Staying Motivated

One way to stay motivated is to constantly remind yourself that a worth-while pay-off lies ahead; a new, healthy, strong you is emerging. Effective, consistent exercise will not only improve your overall health and fitness, but will also improve your appearance, energy level, and social interactions. Also, look forward to the many psychological benefits as […]

Training Children Should Be Fun! Part 2: Taking Ownership

In part one, I highlighted the importance of setting the tone for fun, maintaining a quick-paced session, and delivering fitness goals in the context of games. In part two, I will talk about the importance of children taking ownership of the session and feeling like they are responsible for their own success. If a child […]

What Grade Fuel Do You Use?

“You can’t out-train a bad diet”. Without a doubt, it’s one of my all time favorite quotes. My clients hear it daily. I will not stop using it. It rings true and I need my clients to hear my voice in their head stating that phrase when they consider hitting up the fast food joint […]