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Episode 169

My Thoughts on Drew Brees Retirement

NFL legend and future Hall-of-Fame quarterback Drew Brees announced his retirement this past Sunday. After 20 years in the NFL, accomplishing more accolades than could be imagined, and rewriting the record books, Drew has decided to hang up his cleats and call it a career. As someone who has been by his side for 18 of his 20 years as his trainer, confidant, and friend, I have such an array of emotions.

On today’s IMPACT SHOW podcast, I cover:

– How and when I met Drew and then started working with him.

– The highs and lows over 18 years.

– 9 lessons/insights on what makes Drew Brees special.

– Is Drew Brees a “once-in-a-lifetime” athlete?

– My best moments & memories of training Drew.

– Five words I would use to describe Drew.

Folks, this is one for the ages. I think it will make you laugh, smile, think, and reminisce as I take a trip down memory lane. I also believe it will give you some insight inside the head of someone who is extremely driven to be great. In turn, I hope it inspires you to dive into your best habits, manifest your best life, and ultimately live a life worth telling a story about also.

If you enjoy the show, please share it on your social media and tag Drew and me.

IG & Twitter: @ToddDurkin @DrewBrees

YT: ToddDurkinFQ10

#DrewBrees #ToddDurkin #IMPACTshow



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