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Episode 241

Never Stop Learning- Sharing my Top 5 Lessons to Build a World-Class Business

Regardless of your age, the perpetual pursuit of excellence, growth, and learning never stops and plays a huge role in success. In today’s podcast, I sit down with two of our interns at Fitness Quest 10, Chad Wilkins and Jennifer Tidball, as they ask me a ton of great questions relating to many topics, including:

– Opening a business and my top mistakes made.

– How you grow a brand (then & now) and create impact.

– How I got my first pro athletes. You will never believe how a broken massage table led to my first pro athletes.

– My thoughts on certifications and if they’re important to one’s success.

– Tips, wisdom, and suggestions on what to do post-university when it comes to “finding” your purpose.

– My top tips to build and grow a successful business today.

I love giving back to other hungry entrepreneurs desiring success and yearning to create IMPACT. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it.

Remember, never stop learning and always create IMPACT!

Please SHARE this episode on your social media and make sure you are subscribed to the podcast so you don’t miss a single episode. You can tag me at:

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(2:23)  Todd introduces the intention of today’s podcast, to never stop learning and growing, and his guest’s interns, Chad Wilkins and Jennifer Tidball.

(7:28)  What is the significance of certifications? CSCS (Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist), ACE, massage therapy certification, etc. (The real #FloridaGeorgiaLine)

(12:00)  When you started Fitness Quest 10, how did you market yourself to the community and professional athletes in order to build your credibility?  #WordOfMouth #OutCaring

(14:56) When and how did you start to hire staff and expand the offerings at Fitness Quest 10 beyond personal training? #Pilates #yoga #massage

(17:03)  How breaking a massage table while doing bodywork on then San Diego Chargers Left Tackle Vaughn Parker opened doors for Todd. #NeverStopLearning

(19:52)  Functional fitness with LaDainian Tomlinson and Drew Brees

(21:40)  The value of mastering your craft and changing lives

(23:10)  Why passion, purpose, and IMPACT are important to your success #energy

(24:55) You can’t find purpose, you discover it

(27:22)  Why it’s important to earn certifications but not hide behind them. Taking action must go hand-in-hand with education. #TakeAction

(28:40) Given all that you’ve learned, what mistakes did you make starting out that you would share with entrepreneurs looking to start a business? #BusinessPlan #FinancialProjections #BaseAcceptableBottomline #DesirableAttainableObjective

Building World-Class Culture & Customer Service:

1. Continue to serve your people

2. Out care everyone else

3. Be someone who gets great results for your clients & members

4. Treat your team & community world-class

5. It’s not always who you know, it’s also who knows you

(32:30)  What’s next for Chad & Jennifer? #AirForce #FireProtection #FirstResponders

Chad and Jennifer both have connections with the military. Chad will be joining the Air Force Fire Protection and Jennifer is a 20-year U.S. Navy veteran who served 5 deployments as a combat medic. They are both seniors at San Diego State University (SDSU) and are doing their internship under the guidance of Ryan Rogers, Dir. of Mentorships and Internships at Fitness Quest 10.

(34:16)  What was the hardest thing for Jennifer, a 20-year veteran, to do as she transitioned out of the military? #veteran #military

(35:48) Learn more about Fitness Quest 10 Internships at www.FitnessQuest10.com

#Interns #Internship



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