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Episode 315

Featuring Lizzie Merritt

The World Needs More of YOU! | Ep. 315 with Lizzie Merritt

If there ever is a podcast to remind you of who the heck you are, where you come from, and why you exist, it’s this one. Our special guest, Lizzie Merritt recently wrote a book called “You are a Miracle” and on today’s episode, we discuss WHY right now the world needs even MORE of you. This one is guaranteed to put an extra swagger in your step.

 Specifically, we talk about:

  • Finding your divine uniqueness and exploiting it to the world.
  • How and why Lizzie became a coach and her AHA moment.
  • How she learned to juggle the demands of being a mom, wife, and also having a career when she loved all 3 of these “roles” but had a tough time doing all of them well.
  • What she most loves about being a coach and helping others identify the power and light within them to make the changes necessary.
  • Why she wrote the book called, “You are a Miracle.”
  • Why does the world really need more of “you”?
  • What and why she’s most excited about our latest project and initiative working together.
  • 6-reasons why Todd is excited to work with Lizzie on their latest project.
  • How can you maximize “YOU” so your family, career, and the world get the best “YOU” possible. 

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