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Episode 320

Thoughts from 35,000 Feet—5 Ways You Can Crush a Keynote, Talk, or any BIG Performance | Ep. 320

Back by popular demand and request, I’m recording this episode from 35,000 feet enroute from San Diego to Monterey, CA, to deliver a keynote. I love being up “above the clouds” where I can think, write, dream…and even record a podcast. One of the recent questions I received from one of our listeners was all about “How do you prepare for a Keynote and ultimately knock it out of the park?” I figured what better time to share my thoughts on this Alaska Airlines Flight from high in the sky.


Here is specifically what I cover on today’s IMPACT SHOW:

  •       How a “keynote” can be the equivalent to you preparing for a big interview, leading a visionary meeting at your company, a huge athletic competition (whether it be Friday Night Lights, Saturday college game-days, or NFL Sunday), or any other big event.
  •       My 5-Tips to Crush a Keynote. If you do these, you will dominate your performance.
  •       Todd’s Travel Rules. Do these and you are setting yourself up for success.
  •       The Night Before Your Event. What you should eat, how you should mentally prepare, and sleep tips.
  •       Pre-Game Routine. This includes everything from my pre-game workout, including my specific workout, what I eat, and my mindset leading to “kickoff.”
  •       Game-Time. 5-things you must do to knock your keynote out-of-the-park. This includes how to best connect with your audience, the importance of energy shifts during the keynote, and what content should you include and not include.
  •       One of my greatest mistakes I ever made in a keynote.
  •       5-Must-Do’s to help you “Download your performance” so that you can not only #GetReps but that you can get better, get booked MORE, and most importantly, WOW your audiences and create even more IMPACT.
  •       Why it’s crucial you discover your gifts, do more of what you love to do, and live in your genius zone.


Thanks for listening in. Please share this episode with anyone you might know who this would provide value to. Please also snap a picture on and post a picture on your IG or IG stories. Tag me at:

IG: @ToddDurkin



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