Warm-up (3 mins)
Station #1: Chase the Lion (2 rounds)
- KB Swings or Squat Jumps @20secs
- Band Splitters or Reverse DB Flys @20 secs
Station #2: Rise Up! (3 rounds)
- Side-Lunge / Skater Plyos @ 30 secs
- Rows (DB or TRX) + Kickbacks @30 secs
Station #3. Get Your Mind Right (4 rounds)
- Bicep Curls + Romanian Dead Lifts @40 secs
- Core (Bicycle & Rotates or V-ups) @40 secs
5-minute “U Call It” Final Conditioning:
(Jump Rope; Sprints; Boxing; Battling Ropes; Burpees; etc…)
Mindset Tip of the Day:
- Snap your band and ATTACK the day. It’s all about attacking the day. Don’t sit back and wait for things to fall in your lap. Go GET it today!
Don’t forget to post your post-workout sweaty selfies and tag me! LET’S GOOOOOO!