“The Devil is Trying to Take You Out of the Game…Don’t Let it Happen!”
Complete the following exercises. How many rounds can you complete in 25-minutes:
- Bench Press or Pushups (Reg or DB) x 10
- Lat Pullldowns x 10
- Squat Jumps x 10
- TRX Rows x 10
- Bicep Curls x 10
- Tricep Pressdowns x 10
- Lateral Lunges x 10 each way
- “Sproles-ups” (Plank-ups) x 10 p/arm
- Bicycle & Rotates x 20 Total
- “Cardio” (Jump-Rope, Run, Burpees, Assault Bike, etc) x 1-minute
How many rounds can you get through in 25-minutes?
- Journal for 5-minutes every EVENING for the next 7-days. Here are 6 prompts for you to reflect and WRITE DOWN before the head hits the pillow…
- These are 2-3 of the most important things I accomplished today…
- How did I create the MOST WOW & IMPACT today…
- What could I have done better today…
- What is the one word how I feel right now…
- Gratitude. What happened today that I’m most grateful for…
- Tomorrow, I MUST..