Yoo-hoo. Yeah, you know who it is? It’s me, TD.

But I want to know…is anybody home? It looks a little dark over there and I don’t see the light on. 🙂

Time to flip the switch today and get your mind right, baby. Let’s go!

From one coach to another.

From one human being to another.

From one life transformer to another…We are different. We are LIGHTHOUSES. And right now is your time to shine.

Not after Christmas. Or Hanukkah. Or the beginning of the year. It’s NOW. Shine your LIGHT now!!!!

What does it mean to “shine your light”…

It means that YOU are DOING the following things:

#1. It means that you are training in the month of December most days of the week (Yep, you can’t be like everyone else!),

#2. It means that you are eating right!

#3. It means that you are reading at least one inspirational book this month.

#4. It means that you are planning/strategizing your 2018 this month. What are your big 5 goals, what events are you going to attend, what do you want to do with your business, what vacations do you want to take, etc.?

#5. It means you are fueling your spirit. You are journaling regularly, listening to holiday music, getting involved with philanthropic events, spending time with family, friends, and loved ones, attending holiday church or synagogue services, etc.

It also means that YOU are NOT doing the following:

#1. It means that you are NOT devouring cookies and crappy food throughout the holidays. 🙂

#2. It means that you are NOT an energy vampire and you refrain from ANY gossip at your work. Don’t be an energy sucker. Be an energy giver!

#3. It means that you are NOT paralyzed by fear. Perhaps you sense big change in 2018. Maybe there is a little whisper in you telling you that there is more inside of you. Listen to that voice and trust your intuition. Work on YOU.

#4. It means you are NOT like everybody else running around crazy during this time of year. Again, “slow down, simplify, do less, workout…and BREATHE.”

#5. It means that you are NOT “playing for the tie” this holiday season. Play to win baby…don’t ever just settle for mediocrity!

Remember, you are a lighthouse and you are designed to light up the world with positivity, passion, energy, and CONTAGIASM. All of it makes a difference…and so do you.

That’s it. A simple P.S.A (Public Service Announcement) from yours truly to remind you to make sure your light is on. I need you at your best. The world surely needs you at your best. Shine your light and be make sure it’s bright. #BeALighthouse #LifeTransformer

Thanks for what you do.

Much love…and lots of LIGHT!


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