How to CREATE IMPACT in 2021

Let me ask you a few important questions:

  • What are you willing to “give-up” to “go-up”?
  • What pivots do you need to make in your business or life to help you get what you want?
  • Do you feel stuck, stalled, frustrated, or unmotivated right now and despise that feeling?
  • What do you need to do to live out your best life in 2021?
  • What PROBLEMS exist TODAY that you can be a SOLUTION to NOW? That’s called OPPORTUNITY!

A mentor once told me that if you are the solution to a problem that many people have, you can help a lot of people.

Helping A LOT of people ultimately leads to massive IMPACT.

Today, I want to help YOU…so you can ultimately create even more IMPACT also.

But let me first ask you an important question…
“Are you genuinely willing to make the commitment and sacrifice needed to get you to where you want to go in life?”

Be honest.

If the answer is “NO,” I can’t help you.

If the answer is “YES,” I know I can help you.

And if you answered “YES,” do you know what it looks like to get to where you want to go?

Do you have a big dream?
Do you know your deep divine-purpose?
Do you have a driving mission that keeps you lit-up, when all else seems to be failing?
Do you have a vision that inspires you to wake up feeling excited instead of feeling exhausted?
Do you have a strategy that will help you achieve all of the above?

This is where I can best help. I believe that doubling-down on a few things can help you make significant strides towards what you want to achieve.

It includes:

  1. Your personal health & fitness
  2. Your mindset
  3. Your soulset
  4. Your dreams, purpose, mission, and vision for YOUR life

The problem is many people KNOW this but do NOT do it.

Or worse yet, they are not clear on their purpose. Or their mission. Or their vision.

Or even worse, their mission, vision, and purpose are NOT “deep” enough to get them convicted to take the action necessary to move mountains in their life…or in the lives of others they want to impact.

Some people don’t have sustained motivation.
Others lack the accountability necessary to expedite desired-results.
Some don’t know how to get there.
Others need to have a coach pull their deepest dreams, desires, and purpose OUT of them.

YES, this is where I want to help you.

It’s called my IMPACT Coaching Program, and it’s a two-month-long program designed to stir every part of your soul.

WHAT exactly is it?

My IMPACT Coaching Program is an intensive program that involves:

  • 8-weeks of IMPACT-inspired training designed by yours truly. The key to this program is that you must be willing to amplify your health & fitness right now and have me personally coach you. Heck, every exercise in the program even has video support.
  • 8-weeks of exclusive “Get Your Mind Right” messages. These are audio messages delivered straight to your phone so that I can be in your head for 2-months straight, literally.
  • 8-weeks of “Get Your Soul Right” messages by me. I will be leading several lessons, “sermons” and devotionals, to go deeper in faith, regardless of your walk right now.
  • 8-weeks of “Executive Level” Coaching. I believe that if you are PERSONALLY at your best, it is then that you can dream and achieve at your max. It will consist of weekly lessons and 1-1 coaching as well. It is guaranteed to help you professionally, regardless of your industry, career, or job title.
  • And Then Some. I will be delivering all my best personal productivity systems and leading you through them. As a matter of fact, I won’t just be leading them; I will be sharing my personal ones with you to show you exactly what I do on a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis to maximize my execution of goals set out based on purpose/mission/vision. It is invaluable, and it is extremely experiential and “real-time” as I teach.

WHO is right for IMPACT Coaching?

Maybe you are stuck, stalled, or frustrated, or feel “empty,” or you lack the energy, drive, and motivation that you want…

Deep down, this program is best for someone who is a growth-minded, forward-thinking individual who wants to get the most out of life and could definitely use these next 2+ months as an opportunity to “double-down” on YOURSELF.

This program is geared for busy entrepreneurs, professionals, high-performers, executives, or leaders who want to take ACTION NOW to further improve their personal and professional growth and do NOT want to wait for the “perfect” time to make significant strides in life.

This program is for ANYONE who wants to be better in life, and not reserved for any one industry!

HOW MANY people will be in this round of IMPACT Coaching?

A max of 12. Because of the intensity of time it takes me to coach in this program, I am only accepting up to 12-people in this program.

I am personally coaching this program and will leave no stone unturned to help you get motivated, discover a deeper purpose, take action on the “big rocks,” and ultimately help you get more momentum in your life.

Ready to go?


Are you scared?

Good. You should be. That’s when you know you are playing at the right level.

While you are probably wondering, “Is this the right program for me?” you can rest assured that I will be holding your hand throughout the entire process and coaching you to be your very best.

If you are ready NOW for a major springboard into your body, mind, and spirit…and you desire to GO DEEPER in your career & life, NOW is the time.

Do not delay. There is never a perfect time. But there is always a right time.

And that time is NOW!

I’d love the opportunity to help you and coach you to a major turnaround. A pivot. Something I call IMPACT!!!

Are you ready?

If so, click below, and let’s make it happen!

Sign-up today… It all starts on Feb 8th, 2021!

Much love…and tons of IMPACT.


P.S. I am not doing another IMPACT-Coaching Program until the summer of 2021.

Therefore, if you are ready for personal & professional transformation, NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE ACTION. Let’s not wait for another 6-months to make the moves necessary for your life.

You deserve it.
Your family deserves it.
This world deserves you at your best.

I look forward to helping you create IMPACT.


If you have any other questions, LMK and I will get back to you.

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