My new job starts today…and how to be UNBREAKABLE!

Haha. I got you with that one. But seriously, I shared a while back that I took on a new side-hustle a few months ago (check out Ep. 223 of the podcast called “New side-hustle in pro football”).

I became the GM of an arena football team here in San Diego (San Diego Strike Force) as I guess I just wasn’t enjoying NOT having enough football in the spring & summer.

Seriously, I am so pumped to get going THIS WEEK!!

We have assembled the team of 40 young men over the last 4-months reports tomorrow (March 1st), and we start practice on Thursday. And these guys are special. I have literally scoured for players from across the country to play for us, and we have an extraordinary group of men flying in today & tomorrow to San Diego to report to Training Camp. It’s going to be great.

You talk about some amazing stories and accolades… wait until you hear some of them!

You would also be shocked as to how little separates some NFL guys and some guys floating around in these “other” Leagues (USFL, CFL, and the IFL arena football).

Our first Strike Force game is up in the Bay Area on Monday, March 21st (also my Bday!!) against the Bay Area Panthers inside the “Shark Tank.” So if you are up there, you gotta come check it out. I would love to meet you in the stands for a “birthday protein shake” and some Monday Night Football!

And if you live in San Diego, our first STRIKE FORCE HOME game in SD in what I hope will be a packed-house San Diego Sports Arena (Pechanga Arena) is on March 28th (one month from today). Yes, that is a Monday night also. 2 “Monday Night Football” games in a row!!!

Bring your family, bring a date, or just show-up solo and enjoy what will be one heckuva SHOW.

This week’s Podcast Episode:

Unbreakable. At a time where sometimes you may feel empty, broken, disheartened, dejected, or depressed, how do you not break when you are facing challenges, obstacles, issues, or roadblocks that take you to the brink of collapse.

LISTEN HERE, and I promise it will HELP you…

Today, I have a guest co-host, Maria Meeuwise, talking about being unbreakable and what it means as far as the human spirit. We both discuss times in our lives where we had to have the courage to work through extremely difficult times and overcome challenges we never thought we’d have to face.

We also talk about common threads and qualities of people who have thought about quitting in the face of tragedy and obstacles but didn’t. Instead, they remembered who they were, leaned into their inner strength and spirit, and did remarkable things.

This episode will leave you feeling energized, strong, motivated, and ready to take on whatever challenge you may be facing. So get ready to BE UNBREAKABLE!

2 great quotes about being unbreakable:

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it’s the courage to continue that counts.” ~Winston Churchill

“Be miserable, or motivate yourself; whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” ~Dr. Wayne Dyer

Create an incredible week, and let’s choose to be unbreakable!

Much love…be unbreakable!


P.S. #1. Check out the San Diego Strike Force on Social…

Check out for all details, and follow us on social media at @sdstrikeforce.

P.S. #2. My thoughts on side-hustles…

If you didn’t listen to Ep. 223 on “Side-Hustles” yet and why I think they are great, be sure to tune in to that episode. I shared WHY I took this job and what my hopes/dreams/visions are with it to further IMPACT some young men and give back to our community. Check it out…

Please also be sure that you are SUBSCRIBED to the Todd Durkin IMPACT SHOW podcast so you don’t miss any upcoming episodes. We have some barnburners coming up, including this one today!

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