“When you change the way you look at things…the things you look at change.” ~Dr Wayne Dyer
Warm-up (3 mins)
Station #1: Chase the Lion (2 rounds)
- KB Swings or Squat Jumps @20secs
- Band Splitters or Reverse DB Flys @20 secs
Station #2: Rise Up! (3 rounds)
- Side-Lunge / Skater Plyos @ 30 secs
- Rows (DB or TRX) + Kickbacks @30 secs
Station #3. Get Your Mind Right (4 rounds)
- Bicep Curls + Romanian Dead Lifts @40 secs
- Core (Bicycle & Rotates or V-ups) @40 secs
5-minute “U Call It” Final Conditioning:
(Jump Rope; Sprints; Boxing; Battling Ropes; Burpees; etc…)
Soul Fuel:
“Dear God, I feel the big things You have brewing in my heart. Please fill me up with the Faith & Belief to Trust in Your plan wholeheartedly and stay focused on Your will for me. Thank you. Amen.”