BHAG – Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goal

This week I had a big announcement. It was the first time that I could publicly talk about the TV show NBC STRONG that I will be on staring in on Wednesday, April 13th.

While I won’t go into the details now about the show, I will tell you it was the culmination of a B.H.A.G. that I set about 9 years ago.

A “B.H.A.G.” is a “Big Hairy Audacious Goal.” These are goals that fire you up.
BHAG’s motivate you.
BHAG’s inspire you.
BHAG’s move your spirit.
BHAG’s should move you into action to get closer to where you want to end up.

Sometimes they happen. Sometimes they don’t. But they certainly light a fire under your back-side.

Getting on NBC STRONG was the attainment of a B.H.A.G.

As a matter of fact, I talked “BHAG’s” while working out at Fitness Quest 10 this past week. Check it out now…

What is your BHAG? And what are you doing to make sure you are moving closer and closer to attaining it?

Hopefully reaching your BHAG doesn’t take you 9-years. But even if it does, I promise you, it WILL be worth it.

Much love…and many BHAG’s!!!

P.S. You can check out all of the competitors here:


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