Busy weekends as a parent…

Are there any parents out there whose weekends are consumed by their kids’ games?

Are there any parents who absolutely love the “busy-ness” and know that “this too soon shall pass”?

Do you ever have to drive 1-2+ hours to a game or practice for your kids’ events?

Heck, I spent the better part of Saturday up in L.A. with my 17-year old son at a football camp called the “Elite 11.” It was about 50 of the top QB’s from Southern CA “competing” to be one of 10 elite QB’s from around the country featured on ESPN this summer.

While Luke will probably not be one of those “11” guys, I just loved seeing him out there competing against “4 & 5-star” guys. And I loved my 4+ hours in the car-ride also. Seriously—I really did!

I also loved seeing both Luke and Brady compete on Friday night for the varsity lacrosse team.

And I love it when I get to see my baby-girl McKenna compete in soccer or lacrosse. It blows my mind that my youngest turns 12 tomorrow. It doesn’t seem possible.

Luke, Brady, and McKenna

It seems like now more than ever, I am appreciating and grateful that all 3 of my kids are healthy, having fun, and that we are all STILL under one roof…well, for about another year or so.

There is not a meal, game, weekend, or even long car drive commuting to games or camps that goes by that I don’t just love being in their presence.

Depending on your walk of life, you can probably empathize.

Maybe your kids are all grown and out of the house already. You understand what I’m talking about.

Or maybe you have kids who are really young and not there yet. Don’t blink…it will be here before you know it.

Or maybe you don’t have kids. And that’s fine also!

Either way, time is precious and it’s important that we stay in the “here & now” appreciating all the “busy-ness” that life has to offer.

Enjoy…and let’s not let life slip away. Appreciate every darned day, every practice or game, and every long car ride.

Sooner or later, this will be gone and I know I will long for exactly this time where I’m at right now. Just can’t take one single day for granted.

Let’s create a great week and be uber focused on WHO is in our life RIGHT NOW! #IWILL

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