Napoleon Complex. How much is enough?
As I write this, my 1RM on the deadlift is 385 lbs (stop snickering). My 3RM on weighted pull-ups is bodyweight plus 105 lbs. I would say my pull-up numbers are respectable, the deadlift numbers, not so much. I’m hoping a couple months of Jim Wendler’s “5/3/1 training program” will help. My goal? I would […]
What Grade Fuel Do You Use?
“You can’t out-train a bad diet”. Without a doubt, it’s one of my all time favorite quotes. My clients hear it daily. I will not stop using it. It rings true and I need my clients to hear my voice in their head stating that phrase when they consider hitting up the fast food joint […]
“2 for 1 Special” – TRX Movements
Here are 5 TRX movements we utilize that involve alternating between two exercises. You will perform one rep of one exercise followed by one rep of another exercise and continue to alternate back and forth for the desired number of reps. Using the interchanging sequence requires a bit more coordination and core stability. We use […]
Midsection Madness for MMA
By Doug Balzarini, Personal Trainer, Fitness Quest 10 I love telling my client or athlete that we are going to hit the “core” hard and then walk them over to the pull-up bar for pulls or the trap bar for sets of deadlifts. I cringe every time I hear someone say that it’s time to […]
4 TRX Partner Moves
Here are 4 TRX movements we came up with that require a partner. FAI recommends one unit per person; however, we felt these were safe, effective alternatives that we incorporate on occasion to infuse a little competition and a lot of fun. Here is a brief breakdown on the 4 exercises: 1. TRX Suspended Burpee […]
Fab Five Finishers for MMA Conditioning
If you’ve ever witnessed or participated in a metabolic circuit designed for combat athletes, you’ve seen hard core. You’ve seen guys pushed to their physical limits. You’ve seen tire flips, prowler pushes, and ground & pound drills. You may have even seen some guys on their knees reaching for the nearest bucket. There are many […]
Corrective Exercise: Does it have a place in MMA strength training?
By Doug Balzarini, C.S.C.S., Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fitness Quest 10 (San Diego, CA) Trying to convince a combat athlete that thoracic spine mobility drills will help him in the octagon is like trying to convince my girlfriend that size doesn’t matter (talking arm size of course). These athletes want to be faster, stronger, and […]
My Favorite Piece of Fitness Equipment
By Doug Balzarini What’s your favorite piece of fitness equipment? Over the years I’ve been asked that question many times and over the years my answer has changed many times. Give me a bar and a couple plates and we’ve got the best, foundational movements available with deadlifts, squats, presses, and pulls. Give me a […]
Partner Training: A Different Approach to MMA Strength & Conditioning
I had been working with an athlete for several weeks in a traditional one-on-one setting and recently began to notice that his strength, energy levels, and overall intensity were down. In a recent session, I could sense early on in our mobility work that he was just going through the motions. Perhaps my teaching cues […]
Youth Strength Training For Beginners
By Doug Balzarini What age is the right age? There is no iron-clad answer for this as every child is “created” differently. With youth strength training, it has more to do than with their maturity level and mental state than with their physical abilities. Generally speaking, experts tend to agree that age 7 to 9 […]