Fascia Flexibility and Performance
Are you looking to get your client or athlete to the next level of performance? There are many components to achieving optimal physical or athletic performance. These components include the Physical, Nutritional, Mental/Emotional, and Mechanical aspects. This article is going to specifically address how one can physically prepare and repair their body to optimize regeneration […]
Fat Loss After 40
by Brett Klika It happens to everyone. The birthdays just seem to get away from you. Completely out of your control, you and your body grow one year older every year. What used to “flex” may “droop” a little bit, what used to seem like a jog, is now a sprint, that triangle or hourglass […]
Breaking Down the Wall
by Ryan Burgess If you were to ask family, friends, co-workers, even random strangers “Do you want to be ‘better’?”, how do you think they would respond? The majority would most likely say yes. If you were to follow that up, however, with “what does ‘better’” mean?” and “how will you get there”, it would […]
Do Kids Know How to Play Anymore?
by Brett Kilka I was talking to some friends of mine who had just gotten back from a trip to Europe. Their daughter is a 12-year old competitive soccer player, and they had gone over to see the countryside, as well as to see some European soccer games. The family, consummate soccer fans, were talking […]
Creatine and Young Athletes: Yes or No?
by Brett Klika As performance-enhancing supplements are making their way to the forefront of athletic news, I am often asked, by parents and athletes alike, as to the safety and effectiveness of creatine supplementation. In communicating with these individuals, I have found many misnomers, incorrect assumptions, and just plain bad information in regards to creatine, […]
Conditioning Young Athletes: Tired vs Trained
by Brett Klika As another summer comes to a close, it’s time for many Fitness Quest 10 athletes to head back to their teams. They’ve spent the summer learning and practicing skills to make them better for their sport. They’ve mastered efficient movement, established effective strength and stability, and developed the appropriate energy systems to […]
Conditioning Know How
Condition with a purpose A plan should dictate your conditioning. You should avoid consistently just throwing some arbitrary conditioning drills at the end of a workout and running it until you turn red. Determine the number of reps and sets before the drill and complete each at 100% effort. Rest time is important If you […]
Carry On
I had the great fortune to attend Chapel service at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, last week. In addition to being a chapel that is rich in tradition and beautiful in design, the message by the chaplain was loud and clear. It was about how in life, as in the military, we often […]
A Call To Action
by Ryan Burgess “We can’t solve the problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” ~ Albert Einstein Face it America: we have a serious problem on our hands, and that problem is the obesity epidemic. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, these are the most […]
30 Days to a New You
by Ryan Burgess For many people, there is a perception that personal trainers and strength coaches are “bullet proof.” We live in gyms from sun up to sun down Monday through Sunday, educating, motivating, inspiring, and working out ourselves. We’re all in the best shape; we all have the perfect hair, perfect smile, and perfect […]