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Carry On

I had the great fortune to attend Chapel service at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, last week. In addition to being a chapel that is rich in tradition and beautiful in design, the message by the chaplain was loud and clear. It was about how in life, as in the military, we often need to “Carry On” through challenge, obstacles, “wars,” and adversity. We are all faced with these, but it is how we react to them that determines our ultimate success. The message was an interesting and a timely one; the reason I was even in Annapolis was because of a company that had done exactly that: “Carry On.”

Under Armour launched their new training shoes (Speed, Power, Evade) May 3rd, and it went extremely well. After years of hard work with an unwavering vision, this was a huge day for Under Armour, furthering their competition with the “big boys.” I had the opportunity, along with several of my Fitness Quest 10 teammates, to share in this celebration with Kevin Plank, CEO, and his wonderful team as this was a monumental day in the company’s history. The passion, focus, and determination of their entire team embraces their culture of “Being the Best in the Performance Industry.” Under Armour’s culture is exemplary of what it takes to be successful in any area of life.

I love it when people “go for the impossible.” Launching into a new arena takes guts, courage, and lots of teamwork. Battling the “big boys” could be a menacing task if not for the conviction and belief in your team. Under Armour is the epitome of what it takes to be the best: passion, focus, discipline, desire, and unwavering conviction to “create greatness.”

So what do you want to create? What is it that you aspire to do? Is there anything that is holding you back from being your very best? Whether it is to lose 20 lbs and transform your health & fitness, to create a product, build a business, commit to a relationship, or to create more time-freedom & money-freedom, it will take the same characteristics it takes all successful companies and individuals to attain greatness:

  • Attention to detail
  • Belief in your mission
  • Unwavering conviction in times of challenge
  • Steady focus in the good times
  • Passion & courage
  • Hard-work, dedication, discipline, & sacrifice
  • Great leadership and team-work
  • A servant-like attitude from ALL people

It is said that success is when hard work meets preparation. Clichés like “the harder you work, the luckier you get,” “your attitude determines your altitude,” and “nothing great was ever accomplished without great sacrifice,” are all powerful words to live by. In dedicating my life for the past 15 years to helping people reach peak performance through fitness and coaching, I often find that people start off with big dreams and desires, and they can get squelched by distractions, other people’s expectations, the “fire” dies down, or they lose focus on what they want to achieve. I hate to see this! My encouragement to you is to search your heart, your head, and discover your true passion. Than play with all the zest and zeal you can possibly imagine! Whether your goals and desires deal with business, sport, fitness, family, or any other aspect of life, my encouragement to you as you strive to reach your full potential is one thing: CARRY ON!!

Todd Durkin is a 2 Time Personal Trainer of the Year and Founder of Fitness Quest 10 & Todd Durkin Enterprises in San Diego, CA. He trains people from all walks of life, but is best known for the work he does with over 25 NFL Superstars. He trains the likes of LaDainian Tomlinson, Drew Brees, Carson Palmer, Reggie Bush, Alex Smith, and Donnie Edwards amongst others. His expert staff of 30 trainers, coaches, and massage therapist/bodyworkers perform over 400 weekly sessions and help educate, motivate, and inspire the world to greater levels of health & fitness. Todd has 17 DVD’s on fitness & sports performance and has been featured in many national magazines and media outlets. His ezine newsletter “TD Times” is his way of connecting clients, trainers, coaches, colleagues, and friends from all over the world. He can best be reached via his websites,, or by using the contact form below: [easy-contact]

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