Cross-Fit for Athletes?
Cross-Fit for Athletes? Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Cross Fit is the latest rage in fitness. Millions tune in to watch Cross-Fit athletes display herculean strength, endurance, and physical adaptability on ESPN. Thousands of Cross Fit gyms are springing up all over the world serving every demographic from beginning exercisers to professional athletes. While this exercise and […]
The Bounce of a Ball
It only takes one time. One bad bounce of a ball. One trip over a “landmine” on the floor. And your positive session with a client can go from positive to nightmare. The purpose of this article is to remind you of the critical importance of SAFETY every single day, every single moment. It can […]
Twister… Industry Icon in the Fight of His Life
By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I need to share a remarkable story of a fitness professional in the fight of his life. He is someone I have long admired. Someone I have shared the stage with many times. One of the best presenters I have ever heard. A wildly successful entrepreneur who has earned more […]
“Coach” is a Verb, Not a Noun
By Brett Klika C.S.C.S. What makes a great coach? Is it the number of years they spent in school studying coaching? Probably not, as the 5 most successful coaches that immediately come to mind do not have a “Dr.” in front of their name. Is it their own successful athletic prowess? No again, as I […]
Who’s on your Team?
Athletes whether they are professional football players or collegiate volleyball players are surrounded by a team of medical providers, team coaches, and strength and conditioning staff all focused on providing a comprehensive program to achieve optimal health and performance. Outside these settings, however, a coordinated effort between one’s medical doctor, personal trainer, chiropractor, or physical therapist is more […]
The Dangers of Running
Many people enjoy running as a great form of exercise. Some people have been running for years and yearn for the next “runner’s high,” while others are simply just trying to get in shape. Seeing as how we live in America’s Finest City, we are given the opportunity to enjoy going out for a jog […]
Reebok Toning Shoes Can’t Support Claims
By Patrick Jak On September 28, it was announced that Reebok settled a $25 million claim with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regarding their EasyTone and RunTone shoes. You know those shoes that claim to increase hamstring and calf strength as well as tone the butt? These shoes hit the market about two years […]
90 Day Wonder
By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. People often ask me the question, “How do you get done all that you get done in a day?” My answer is actually a fairly simple one. I have been disciplined about doing a series of exercises that have helped me stay laser-focused on my personal and professional development. And […]
I Want To Do Something Bigger With My Life
By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. I recently spent time with a 25- year veteran of the fitness field whom asked for my guidance. He runs a successful business, presents at major conferences, and influences many people. Not knowing exactly what he needed, he began to tell me about his “successful” career. He really has accomplished […]
Foundations of Strength: The Push-Up
Push-ups are probably the most commonly used bodyweight strength callisthenic whether you are working with kids, adults, or pro athletes. They can be done anywhere and are highly effective for building upper body strength and endurance. However, in my work with kids, I am finding that fewer and fewer boys and girls are able to […]