What Gets You In The Game?

What Gets You In the Game? Brett Klika C.S.C.S. I was having a conversation with a very successful local basketball coach the other day.   He was sharing insight he had learned from an NBA scout in regards to assessing talent.  When a scout assesses a player, it is not merely a matter of “they’re good” […]

The Scores Report chats with Drew Brees’ trainer, Todd Durkin

At your local gym, you may have been offered a chance to try out a tool called the TRX Suspension Training, which is an innovation by former elite Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick. As a Navy SEAL, Hetrick often found himself in remote safe houses with limited means to keep he and his soldiers in shape. […]

Upper Body Exercises

Recently, www.Active.com came to Fitness Quest 10 for a video shoot to see how trainers from one of America’s Top 10 Gyms (Men’s Health Magazine), trains their athletes.  For the next several issues of the TD Times we will show you different exercises we use to prepare our athletes to perform at the highest level. […]

Get With The Movement

Fitness Anywhere launched their first nationwide integrated media campaign called “GET WITH THE MOVEMENT.” It’s a video-centric consumer rally cry that dares people to put down their weights, get off their exercise machines and take a more dynamic, movement-focused approach to building their overall health and achieving their fitness goals. It features short videos from celebrity TRX’ers […]