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The Blog

Get With The Movement

Fitness Anywhere launched their first nationwide integrated media campaign called “GET WITH THE MOVEMENT.” It’s a video-centric consumer rally cry that dares people to put down their weights, get off their exercise machines and take a more dynamic, movement-focused approach to building their overall health and achieving their fitness goals. It features short videos from celebrity TRX’ers like champion quarterback Drew Brees, Ironman® triathlete winner Tyler Stewart, and elite strength and conditioning coach, Fitness Quest 10 owner, Todd Durkin

These videos live on a new interactive website devoted to “the movement” at We invite you to check it out, watch the celebrity/TRX’er videos and get your free copy of “10 New Training Tips” (PDF).

Tell the world what you’re moving towards. What’s your big goal and how have you been using TRX to help you get there? Or did you already reach your goal using the TRX? Either way, make a quick video with whatever video equipment you have handy and post it up on YouTube. Then visit Get With the to find out how to get it on our Get With The Movement site and share it with (hopefully) millions of people.

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