The Sentence That Changed My Life

The Sentence That Changed my Life By Janet Bertrand ACE If there is one thing I have learned over the last 10 years, it’s that when an opportunity presents itself in your life, you have to step up and act on it. Every opportunity has a shelf life, and if you wait, it will pass […]

Stay The Course

Stay The Course By Janet Bertrand ACE Recently I attended a fitness convention called Perform Better. It is one of the best conferences in the country. They always have the top trainers, strength and conditioning coaches and health experts in the whole country presenting the latest in health and fitness. It is amazing the things […]

I Would Like You to Meet AGNES

I would like you to meet AGNES – Part 1 of a 3 Part Series on the Pillars of Wellness as We Age By Janet Bertrand ACE Every day we are faced with choices. We make those choices and build our lives based on a pattern of decisions, one after the next. Those choices dictate […]

The Power Of One

I was about 15 years old the first time I felt overweight. It seemed to sort have snuck up on me, all of a sudden my body had changed and I was horrified. I remember trying on a pair of pants and feeling frantic because I was supposed to go to a church event and […]

Creating The Need For Rest

Working out, what exactly does that mean? Some of us have been exercising for years doing the same things, with the same effort, and not seeing results. We feel frustrated and it becomes easy to let a workout slip by without feeling like were really missing anything.  We say we’re “working out,” but in truth we […]

The Biggest Loser Challenge: Separating Myth From Reality

By Janet Bertrand Television has become a major force in society today. We plan our lives around certain TV shows and rely on TiVo to keep us updated and currently informed. In the fitness world there is much less emphasis on TV and anything else that requires long periods of sedentary behavior. However, there is […]

The Science of Sleep

By Janet Bertrand Sleep, oh what a concept. If only we all had 8 glorious hours to spend in deep slumber, waking up refreshed and ready for a new day! Our bodies rely on rest, and not just rest but deep uninterrupted sleep. Sleep is the time when your body heals itself, when muscles repair […]

Spark the Fire of Fitness

By Janet Bertrand As a mother of four children I know what it is like to want the very best for my kids- to feel that tremendous high when they succeed.  I also know the flip side of that- how hard it is to watch them struggle with disappointment.  There is an epidemic facing our […]