Top 10 Ways to Improve Performance

Are you looking for ways to improve your performance?  In this context, I am talking about your performance at work, at home, and with your health.  If you indeed are trying to improve your energy, productivity, and overall effectiveness, I have provided 10 sure-fire ways to maximize your overall performance. Focus, focus, focus—Sometimes it feels […]

Top 10 Ways to Beat the Heat Without Sacrificing Your Workouts

It is summertime, it is hot, and you do not want your workouts to suffer. If you plan properly, the summertime is a great time to improve your fitness and make some strides in your exercise program. The days are longer, people are abuzz, vacations seem to abound, and the extra sunshine seems to do […]

Top 6 Challenges You Face Today and Solutions to Overcome Them

“Popularity is people liking you; happiness is you liking you.” In a world in which we are all trying to discover our full potential and create “happy” lives, I find this to be an interesting quote. In a world that is often over-stressed, out-of-balance, and out-of-shape, it is not because there is a lack of […]

Time For a Purge Party?

It is said that “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”  It is easy to say, but many of us have a difficult time staying neat, organized and clutter-free. Yes, admit it, some of us really are pack rats.  The truth is that clutter does build up in our lives and, if we don’t get rid of, […]

Stuck in a Rut? Action Steps to Create Amazing Results in Your Life

Experience shows me that many entrepreneurs suffer from the same obstacles and challenges: organization, employee issues, generating cash flow or driving revenue, increasing profitability, providing leadership, crystallizing their overall mission and vision of their company and life, and lack of time to name just a few.  Recently, I whisked some of my most successful entrepreneurs and […]

The Power of a Positive Mindset

It is said that “Your attitude determines your altitude.”  Nothing determines attitude like a great, positive mindset.  In a world that is busy and stressed as ever, people often get trapped of not thinking as positively as they want.  Whether it be fear that ultimately stifles growth, lack of confidence in your skills, or a […]

The Art of Relaxing and Restoring Your Health

This article is all about YOU. In a world that is often over-stressed and over-run by “things to do”, I invite you to take control of your life and make a difference NOW. If you are working a ton, facing adversity, feeling over-whelmed or feeling out of balance, the purpose of this article is to […]

Spark the Fire of Fitness

By Janet Bertrand As a mother of four children I know what it is like to want the very best for my kids- to feel that tremendous high when they succeed.  I also know the flip side of that- how hard it is to watch them struggle with disappointment.  There is an epidemic facing our […]