3 Shoulder Exercises For Quarterback

There’s no better time than the offseason to get in peak shape for the football games awaiting you this fall. For quarterbacks, that means strengthening the parts of your body that will be used the most in games. To throw the ball stronger and more accurately–while preventing debilitating injuries–shoulder workouts during the downtime are crucial. […]

Carry On

One question I love to ask my clients is “What drives you to be great?”  Regardless of whether it is a champion athlete, successful entrepreneur, or a hard-working professional, I find the answers are often similar.  Regardless of your business, dreams, and desires, let’s use the traits of a champion and apply them to our […]

The Art Of Restoring And Relaxing Your Health

By: Todd Durkin This article is all about YOU. In a world that is often over-stressed and over-run by “things to do”, I invite you to take control of your life and make a difference NOW. If you are working a ton, facing adversity, feeling over-whelmed or feeling out of balance, the purpose of this […]

Would You Like Fries With That

The other day I was talking with a young woman who was distressed about her life. She complained that everything was tough, “I have no time to exercise, I have two kids, I work ten to twelve hours a day, my husband was just laid off, the economy is stressing me out and I am […]

Do You Want To Play?

I hope you are doing fantastic.  I just got back from the field where I was training some of our NFL guys and boy did I have fun!  I had LaDanian Tomlinson (RB, Jets,–wow, does that sound weird), Charles “Peanut” Tillman (CB, Bears), and Malcolm Floyd (WR, Chargers) out there amongst some of our other young upcoming stars.  What I really love about going to […]

How Random Are You

Sean Croxton, Host of Underground Wellness TV and Owner of Underground Wellness has issued a challenge… It’s called The Totally Random X Challenge.  Sean is looking for the most random places you can use your TRX Suspension Trainer! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHvMZwjUESo] Film your random place where you use the TRX and submit your videos to vids@undergroundwellness.tv.  The […]

How to get Faster and Stronger …

The TD Performance series provides the latest, cutting-edge techniques, drills, and exercises. Todd will provide the necessary building blocks it takes for athletes to maximize their potential . In this TD Performance DVD series, Todd Durkin reveals the techniques and system that have helped thousands of athletes of all ages reach the next level. The […]

How To Grow Your Personal Training Business

To take your business to the next level, learn the tips that have taken Todd Durkin to become an expert in personal training.  He has created a company called Fitness Quest 10 and taken it to a top 10 gym in America.  These tips Todd will give you are tips that not everyone will tell […]

How To Improve Your Brand

Creating a strong brand means having a successful company. Think about all the companies that have strong brands. What is the one thing they have in common? They are all successful. Todd Durkin, owner of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, talks about what it takes to have a strong brand. These are the same […]

“Shake, Rattle and Roll… Choose Change Before It Chooses You!” By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS

On Easter Sunday, southern California experienced a 7.2 earthquake. The epicenter was approximately 100 miles away in Mexico. I have lived in California for 12 years now and I have never felt anything like it. My family and I were at home, coming downstairs, when we felt the earthquake start. We all hustled into the living room and waited as it got worse […]