Happy Thanksgiving from the Durkin family. In this “light & fun” episode, I sat down with the entire family at the dining room table and asked them about GRATITUDE and what they are MOST grateful for. The one caveat was they weren’t allowed to say “family.” You’re going to smile a bunch in this one! In addition, I share my Top 10 quotes on GRATITUDE & what I’m MOST grateful for. Join Luke, Brady, McKenna, Melanie and me now as we share and extend gratitude from our family to yours. Happy Thanksgiving!
More on the episode:
1:28- My Top 10 Favorite Quotes On The Power Of Gratitude To Kick Off Thanksgiving.
4:52- An 11 Year Old’s Gratitude List… Mckenna Durkin In The House!
A mix between Mom’s stuffing on Thanksgiving and the ability to play sports.
6:34- A 14 Year Old’s Gratitude List… Brady Durkin In The House!
Nothing a little cranberry sauce can’t make 10X better… Oh and all of LIFE! Yes!
9:00- A “Dream Big” Parenting Philosophy
9:42- A 16 Year Old’s Gratitude List… Luke Durkin In The House!
No one said turkey yet? & when teammates become “family.”
11:33- Melanie Durkin In The House!
Biggest gratitude this year? NOT cooking! & answered prayers.
16:43- An Excerpt From The WOW Book On Gratitude
Gratitude = instant shift in attitude.
18:08- TD’s “Top 10” Gratitude List
Coaching with the boys and sharing an incredible football season with them.
And a NEW KNEE!!
19:56- A Prayer From The WOW Book
20:30- Choose “Presence” This Holiday Season
In every conversation, with every person.
20:51- Happy Thanksgiving From The Durkin Family!
21:09- Remember: EARN THE BIRD!
21:23- I Want To Hear What You’re Most Grateful For!
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The IMPACT Show by going to www.todddurkin.com/podcast.
Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/todd-durkin-impact-show/id1467269399
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FB: @ToddDurkinFQ10
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Mastermind (for fitness pros): https://todddurkinmastermind.com/