One of my favorite times of the week is when I get to train one of the most famous preachers in the land, Pastor David Jeremiah. Pastor Jeremiah is 78-years old and trains with the intensity of an NFL athlete. He is still preaching every week on TV (Turning Point) and his home church (Shadow Mountain Church, El Cajon, CA) and I LOVE working with him.
But something quite embarrassing happened last week with him.
“Dr J” comes in early before his sessions and likes to walk/warm-up for about 15-minutes on the treadmill before we have at it in session.
Well, I like to go in early and talk to him while he’s warming-up. And the other day he is telling me this awesome story with profound wisdom during his warm-up on the treadmill. That’s par for the course with him.
And as he’s telling me the story, I’m drawn in closer to hear him amongst the noise at Fitness Quest 10. As I lean in to listen to him, unbeknownst to me, my right elbow is leaning directly on the “speed-up” button on the treadmill.
Before I knew it, “Dr J” is in an all-out sprint on the treadmill cooking at about 8.0 mph. I had no idea what was going on other than I saw a look of pure fear on his face. I thought he just came face to face with the devil.
I pulled the emergency switch and immediately stopped the treadmill. After catching his breath, he laughed and said he hasn’t run like that in years.
I didn’t laugh so much, as I almost killed one of the most famous pastors in America.
What happened in the next workout?
The next time in a couple of days later, Pastor Jeremiah said something to me that was once again quite profound, “You know Todd, sometimes in life, you need someone to HIT YOUR ‘SPEED-UP’ BUTTON. We get caught in ruts and doing the same routine and sometimes it takes an outside force to speed you up. Thank you for hitting that SPEED-UP button the other day.”
I almost died on the spot. I wish I could take credit for some special ninja-coaching tactic on that one. But I can’t. What was a pure accident on my end, he found deep wisdom in reveling in the fact that he could actually still “sprint” when called upon.
My question to you today is this…
- Do you need to hit your “speed-up” button today? Do you need to get out of a rut physically, mentally, or spiritually and pick it up a notch?
- At work, do you need to “speed-up” your efficiency and productivity so that you can yield better results for the bottom-line of the company?
- Do you need ME to come over to your treadmill, gym, or work-place and lean-in on your “treadmill” and SPEED THINGS UP? If so, you better watch out because I might be showing up!!!
Create a great day. And don’t forget to “SPEED-UP” if you need to. Or at the very least, have someone lean in on your “SPEED-UP” button and GET STUFF DONE.
Thanks Pastor Jeremiah. I’m glad I was able to hit your “SPEED-UP” button.
For everyone else, PICK UP THE PACE!
Much love… and lots of SPEED.