Let Me Get Personal…

Happy weekend. You have heard the phrase “Happy wife…happy LIFE!” I would like to start by wishing my beautiful wife Melanie a HUGE Happy Birthday today. I am blessed to have her in my life and I would NOT be the man I am today without her by my side. Her support, love, wisdom, encouraging words, and SMILE inspires me to do my BEST work. I invite you to hop over to my FB page and help me wish Melanie a very special day!

I’d like to share a story from this week that really epitomizes how much I truly appreciate Melanie as a Mom and a spouse. Melanie (who is also in the health & fitness field as a professor at a local college) was attending a conference earlier this week in Palm Desert, CA, and left me to be a “single Dad” for a few days.

OMG…I about died each of the 3-days she was gone.

I wondered how she does it when I’m away for one of my 30+ trips I make year round (heck, some are 5+ days long if I’m going to a different country).

  • I didn’t know really how much clean-up she actually does.
  • I didn’t know that when you make lunch for the kids, they all want their sandwiches slightly different.
  • I didn’t know carpools were so exhausting.
  • I didn’t know how much TIME, ENERGY, and WORK it takes to feed 3 hungry kids at night.
  • I didn’t know…well, just how exhausting everything she does really is. Literally.

WOW-o-WOW. By the 2nd day, I had all the kids doing most of the work as I was “short-wiring” and getting short-tempered. I know they were missing their momma.

I was so happy when Melanie returned from her conference. I had no idea how hard it would be to be a “single” parent (hats OFF to all the single working parents out there making ends meet and striving be world-class in all you do).

People often ask me “What’s the hardest thing you do in life?” I always without hesitation answer that trying to balance being a great Dad, a loving husband, and a coach/fit-pro/business-owner is the hardest thing.

I try to be GREAT in all of those roles but I often fail.

Here are just a few of the times when I don’t stack up to my own expectations and FAIL (please don’t judge me; I’m just sharing the truth):

  • There are times when I can’t attend one of my kids’ games or tournaments because of a commitment professionally…or I’m off speaking at a conference.
  • There are times when our date nights get canceled because I’m so exhausted from being on the field or in the trenches all day trying to change lives at Fitness Quest 10.
  • There are times when I don’t pour into my team at Fitness Quest 10 the way I want because I’m at a kids tournament, on the road traveling or wrapped up in a project that is also making my heart sing.
  • When my work office gets messy or my organization around the house isn’t up to Melanie’s snuff. 🙂

Why do I share this with you today?

Because we ALL are busy, sometimes stressed, and never perfect. I’m no different. I have the same struggles and frustrations as most.

But I have come to realize a few things that are important and that I’m constantly evaluating:


  1. Am I loving, serving, and prioritizing my family as I desire to ensure I’m creating memorable WOW experiences with them and teaching them all “life lessons” about how to create IMPACT in their life?
  2. When I go away on a work trip, do I explain to my kids WHY I’m going and how I’m serving my divine purpose to “motivate & inspire people to greatness and help them tap into their dream of IMPACTING the world?”
  3. My time. Who am I spending time with? What does my schedule look like? Am I working on the best projects that will create the biggest IMPACT?
  4. My energy. What or WHO are my “energy sucks” in life? How can I eliminate what is not serving my divine purpose? Am I investing enough time into cultivating my energy and spirit?
  5. My purpose. Am I serving, motivating, and inspiring enough people? Is what I’m doing TODAY serving enough people to make sure I’m fully tapping into my gifts and desire to IMPACT the universe? Are there changes I should make with what I’m doing, how I’m doing it, and with whom I doing it with? How can I go even DEEPER, despite fear and trepidation, to make the kind of changes that I believe will be revealed ONLY when those changes happen?

This is what goes on inside of my head…and inside my heart. For some reason, I felt compelled to share this today. Hopefully, it resonates deep and speaks to you…regardless of whether you are a parent, a fit-pro, or just a human being who desires to be your absolute BEST.

I know this: life is not easy and it seems like it’s busier than ever. Big decisions being made. More and more demands being placed on you.  And lots of stress.

Let me offer 10 points to help keep you happy, healthy, and “sane” in all you do…

Slow down. Simplify. Breathe. Workout. Serve more. Laugh more. Plan an adventure trip. Tap into your innate wisdom and spirit and have the faith to LISTEN. Give more to the universe. And spend more time with loved ones.

 You will NEVER regret ANY of those. And these will ultimately allow you to be happier, healthier, and more fulfilled in all aspects of your life. And for that, we are grateful.

Thanks so much for ALL you do. Trust me, I get it! Thank you.


P.S. Want more S.O.U.L.?

Tomorrow morning on my #DoseOfDurkin, I am revealing what the acronym S.O.U.L. stands for? Please sign up for my free “Dose of Durkin” atwww.DoseofDurkin.com TODAY and get ignited with fire Monday AM. Sign-up now…


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