A Look Back…10 Year Retreat was full of WOW!!!

Spirit. Energy. Harmony. Laughter. Love.

Success. Significance. Passion. Purpose. IMPACT. And WOW!

These are “10” words (plus 1 “and then some”) that sum up my recent 10-year “Todd Durkin Mastermind Retreat” held last week in Coronado, CA.

I can’t believe it’s been 10-years since our first annual Retreat with just 12-people in a room at the Hilton Mission Bay on Feb 8-10, 2008. A lot has happened in 10-years.

And throughout the entire weekend at our 10th Retreat (hosted at Coronado Marriott Resort & Spa) last week, I couldn’t help but think about all the wonderful people who I’ve had the chance to work with, coach, and collaborate with on many different business and personal strategies over the years.

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As I look back at the Retreat held last week (Feb 10th-12th), here are “10” of my top highlights from the weekend and how it relates to 10-years in the Mastermind:

  1. It always starts with training… and there is nothing like a training session with 75+ fired-up, passionate fire-breathing dragons. I loved our workout together at Fitness Quest 10 on Friday. The energy was epic and I’m not sure if we ever had as much sweat, laughter, and smiles in one hour at Fitness Quest 10. #Awesome.The “boot camp” on Saturday was a special one. As tradition would hold, something interesting always happens during one of these classes. And besides all the pushups, pullups and core work, we were shocked to discover the “bikini model photo shoot” that was taking place at 6:30 am on a Saturday morning on the beach we were using in Coronado. Now that was #WOW. I ended the class with a 10-minute meditation and guided visualization to detoxify & purify our bodies and minds. By 7:30 am, we were ready to rock and roll.
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2. Work ON your business, not IN your business. Friday afternoon gave us a 4-hour window to work on our “marketing blueprint” and “content calendar.” These are areas we can always improve and there was increased focus and attention on these topics at the Retreat on Friday. With the system I taught, every attendee should be able to create and complete their content calendar within 2-hours of sitting one’s butt in the seat. #Strategy #Yessss!!!!


3. It’s awkward to get “eulogized” by your comrades! They got me good. After a big team dinner on Friday night, “10” people got up on the microphone and began a 10-year anniversary roast.Larry Indiviglia, Julie Wilcox, Frank Pucher, Kelli Corasanti, Jenn Lormand, Jarod Cogswell, Vito LaFata, Lisa Berman, Leslie Trujillo, and Trina Gray.I told them all afterward that I wasn’t “dead” and that in many ways, I’m just starting to hit my stride.

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4. 5,010 Reasons to be Grateful…Nothing like getting surprised and GIVING BACK!

The BEST part of the entire retreat for me was at the end of those “10” people roasting/eulogizing me, they surprised me and presented the Durkin IMPACT Foundation with a check for $5,010. These funds were raised exclusively within the Mastermind from our members and it brought me to tears.100% of this money is used to GIVE BACK to families in need and award deserving college-bound student-athletes scholarships.Now THAT is the power of a Group! #WOW #Gratitude
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5. Dr. Heidi Hanna rocked the “Stress, Energy, and Motivation” keynote. Heidi is one of the world’s leading experts in stress research and is the Executive Director of the American Stress Society. It was an honor to have her present/share such cutting-edge research and knowledge on stress, optimal brain functioning, energy, and peak productivity.
Check out Dr. Heidi at www.Heidihanna.com and take her free stress survey. She also has a global “Stress Summit” coming up this Spring with some of the top experts that study stress and its deleterious effects. I’ll keep you up to snuff on the details.


6. Never forget your purpose and legacy…and make sure your goals and action steps are leading you to where you want to go!!!
Most of Saturday and Sunday were coaching exercises I facilitated to ensure our members are laser-focused and working on the MOST important items they NEED to be working on, in order to help them attain the success they desire.This included what you may need to eliminate in your life, most effective strategies to get you to where you want to go, and resources that can help you leverage technology and innovation to scale your message/brand.


7. Never be the smartest person in the room.
This was something I learned many years ago. And it’s why I love the Mastermind concept. To be your best and to stay fresh, you must stay committed to on-going learning. And at the rate how fast things change today, it’s imperative to stay abreast of all the changes in algorithms, systems, technologies/innovations, resources, and research.And the Mastermind is fertile soil in which to grow, be challenged, experience “AHA” ideas and moments and expand your network with other high-performing fitness professionals. It also allows you to connect with other like-minded people who share the same passions as you.


8. The bigger your dream, the more important your team!
10-years ago, it was only 12 of us. At our 10th Retreat, we had 110 attendees from the Mastermind attend. WOW. I am grateful for my internal team at Fitness Quest 10 & Todd Durkin Enterprises as they put so many incredible little touches on the Retreat.While my role was to rock the content and bring down the house, it’s always the attention to the little things that really make an event special.I am grateful for Julie Wilcox, Rob Ewing, Rachel Rios, Stephanie Shea, and Larry Indiviglia on my team and coaches Frank Pucher, Kelli Corasanti, Jarod Cogswell, and Jenn Lormand who all had a major impact in making our 10th Annual Mastermind Retreat super special and successful. Heck, these are people that support me in many initiatives and are an integral part of my team.


9. STRATEGY is always critical for lasting success
I believe that “strategic development” and “working on your business” are two of the biggest oversights by most fitness entrepreneurs. Heck, I’ll say for ANY entrepreneur.When I personally look at my “strategy”, I’m always assessing where I’m at and how am I going to get where I want to go.I work diligently on my Annual Roadmap & Strategic Plan at the beginning of each year.I do my 90-Day Wonder every 3-months. And I spend 2 days out of every 90-days working “ON” my business.I do my 10-Forms of Wealth every month.I do my WLAG’s every week.I do my Daily Goals every day.I revisit my “strategy” within each of these “exercises. And while you ultimately must take ACTION and course-correct after you take action, having a map, a direction, a compass to where you are going sure eliminates a lot of wasted energy, resources, money, and time. And these are all things most people want more of.So be disciplined and do the little things it takes to work ON your business more often…trust me, it will pay off!P1080780


10. Time sure does fly!!!
I can’t believe 10-years has gone by since I started my Mastermind. To think that I am about 1/10 of where I want to be is exciting and energizing to me. There is so much to do and so many people to help in the universe.Together, as coaches, trainers, fitness professionals or just human beings with the desire to improve the quality of people’s life, health, and positivity, I look forward to continued connection and collaboration to help make the universe a better place.Before we know it, another 10-years will pass and we want to make sure we leave our imprint on the world.


Take ACTION on what you want NOW and don’t delay. Time is finite and there is no time like the present.
See you at the top!


P.S. Which one of the 10-Points MOST speaks to you? Feel free to comment below…

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