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Episode 340

10 Ways to IGNITE Your LIFE in 2024 | Ep. 340

If there ever is a time to IGNITE your health, fitness, mindset, & LIFE…it’s right NOW! Not only am I going to provide you “10” specific ways to change, amplify, and ignite your life, I want to challenge you to do it starting TODAY!

On today’s show, filmed from the heart of New York City, I will share the following:

·  The 10-Rules to follow to IGNITE your life.

·  How much strength work vs cardio work is needed to get the results you want.

·  One thing you must do every AM if you want to change your physiology and functioning throughout the day.

·  Why protein is so important throughout your day and how much should you really be taking.

·  How to incorporate meditation & breathwork into your week.

·  The power of prayer and how to “talk” more to God and develop a relationship with Him.

·  The power of encouragement and how to best encourage at least 3-people per day.

·  The power of journaling and how it can change your life.

·  One thing NOT to do as it will not only distract you, but it will ultimately rob you of focus and productivity and ultimately prevent you from getting BIG STUFF done.

·  Other things to consider doing that will really help up your self-care and help you with peak personal productivity.

·  Your “one thing” that YOU must do to dial-in your habits and get you to where you want.

Thanks for joining in today. If you can do one of 2-things:

1. Please share this episode on your Social Media. We have an aggressive goal to reach 1-million people with the podcast alone this year. It’s going to take a Herculean effort by all who listen in so if you could help us, please take a picture of the episode and tag me on your Social Media:

IG: @ToddDurkin

#ToddDurkin #IMPACTShow #Ep340

2. Sign-Up for “IMPACT-31.” If it’s prior to January 31st,

PLEASE sign-up for our awesome contest that we have going to help fire-you up and ignite your mind, body, and soul. All you need to do is go to www.myZone.org/impact31 and you can register for FREE.

(You do NOT need a MyZone belt to be part of the Challenge; you just need it to win the prizes; anyone can join in and receive the ongoing motivation, inspiration, and ENERGY being created!!).



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