

Other ways to listen


Episode 304

Broken or Blessed? The MINDSET to Get to the Other Side [The REINVENTION Series]

WOW. The “Reinvention Series” has been one heckuva few episodes and the feedback has been like NONE other. Thank you. Today is my last in-depth episode of the series uncovering what was three years of hell. Again, my own reinvention and newly re-inspired TDE brand just launching now would not be as IMPACTFUL if you didn’t know the ENTIRE story. So thank you for listening, sharing, and SHOWING UP. Let’s dive-in.

Here is what you will hear on Ep. 304:

  • Why I didn’t feel completely fulfilled in 2022 and what to do when your soul is not singing like you want and you know there is an even deeper level of significance you want to create.
  • Why I took a GM role for a professional indoor football team and the greatest lesson I learned from that debacle.
  • Another knee surgery to clean-up the mess that was created from partial knee replacement in 2020 that didn’t heal properly because of not rehabbing/moving the way I needed to because of my back injury.
  • MINDSET through uncertainty and my mindset now after enduring through a three year “battle.
  • Top Lessons learned through a difficult time that will help you in the best of times and the worst of times.
  • How my faith in God carried me through the last three years and despite many times feeling broken, empty, lost, and even sometimes depressed, how I never felt alone.
  • Why my faith even further deepened in the midst of darkness.
  • The people and support networks who made a great difference in the last few years that allowed me to get through the mess.
  • Why COACHING and IMPACT is my life and why I love hearing from our listeners who are wanting to go deeper, do more soul-searching, and who are willing to battle through thick and thin to KEEP GOING!
  • The ONE THING that I learned from all this and that I will take to the grave someday…

Again, thank you. My heart is full of gratitude and I appreciate you listening and sharing. Next week I will do a “Q&A” episode stemming from episodes 301304. Please drop me YOUR question(s) ASAP so I can answer it stemming from these episodes. You can drop them via email, through my TEXT community, or DM me on IG.

A few important reminders:

  1. Please snap a picture of this episode right now and SHARE it on your Social Media. Please tag me @ToddDurkin. 
  1. Please make sure you are part of my TEXT COMMUNITY. Text me at 619.304.2216. Sign-up. Yes, it really is me on the other side so drop your questions or comments via text, DM, or email.
  1. Our new 2.0 version of “Dose of Durkin” emails and messages are now dropping. This is Week 2 of the “DOD” but you must sign-up for them to receive it every Thursday. Your “DOD” includes a weekly motivational quote, a weekly workout challenge, and a MINDSET hack. Let’s GOOO!!! #GYMR. Sign-up for your Dose of Durkin by making sure you are SUBSCRIBED to my email list at www.ToddDurkin.com
  1. Our new website launched last week (May 23). Check it out at www.ToddDurkin.com and lmk what you think.

That’s it. Thank you so much. Go out today and create a great day. LIVE IMPACT!!!


Instagram: @ToddDurkin

Twitter: @ToddDurkin

FB: @ToddDurkinFQ10

LinkedIn: @ToddDurkin



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