Ready to REWIRE your thinking? Get ready to listen to one of the deepest and most important conversations you will ever hear when it comes to business, life, and even “succession planning.” David Seitter is one of the top M&A (mergers & acquisitions) attorney’s in the country who has helped thousands of business owners, C-suite executives and high net worth individuals buy or sell businesses, as well as set up succession plans. Today, he helps the Todd Durkin IMPACT SHOW podcast listeners. YESSS!!!
Here is some of what David and I discuss on today’s SHOW::
– How has the “growth & abundance mindset” helped Dave become not only one of the top M&A attorneys in the country, but also a lawyer knick-named the “Soulful attorney.”
– Dave’s Top 3 Lessons from his 40-years as an attorney.
– Why everyone needs a ‘Succession Plan.’
– The “Retirement Trick” and how to overcome any “regret” in your life.
– Why Dave wrote his book “Quiet Plan, Exciting Results—47 Trusted Secrets to Big Business Success.”
– Todd’s top takeaways and favorite chapters from the book.
– Why everyone should take the free “Set Your Planning Priorities” assessment.
– Why Dave joined Todd’s IMPACT-X Coaching program and how it helps him with what he does in his life & career.
– Dave’s legacy and IMPACT for the future.
So grateful for this conversation today. If you receive value out of it, please SHARE it.
If you share on your Social Media, please tag me at :
IG / Twitter: @ToddDurkin
Additionally, if you would like to take the “Set Your Planning Priorities/SuccessionPlanning” assessment for free exclusive to our Todd Durkin IMPACT SHOW listeners, reach out to Todd at and he will provide you with the link for the assessment.
Don’t forget to pick up David Seitter’s book “Quiet Plans, Exciting Results—47 Trusted Secrets to Big Business Success” on Amazon.
Here is the link:…
Lastly, you can listen to Dave’s podcast, “Show Me The Way” on Apple, Spotify or on his website,