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Episode 212

Happy LAAAABBORRR Day, 3 Thoughts on the Value of Hard-work, and your Q&A

I’m fired up today for two reasons. One, today demarks episode #212, and I love the number 212. Second, and more importantly, because it’s LABOR DAY! As a matter of fact, I think you will smile (maybe laugh) at this year’s traditional “Laaabborrr Day” message on one of my favorite holidays.

In addition, there are 2-other parts to today’s episode:

First, I share three thoughts on the value of “hard work.” This includes…

– Point #1 – Have you ever had a job where you felt lost, or it wasn’t what you wanted?

– Point #2 – The value of hard work – What if Covid has thrown you off-course, and you are pivoting, but you are NOT quite sure where you are going?

– Point #3 – Work Ethic – The worst thing you can do right now is nothing. It’s tiring doing NOTHING. So I share five questions to ask yourself.

Finally, I have three questions from the audience today:

– Rebecca.garitypinto asks – You’ve just hit a parenting milestone with your oldest kid going to college. What is the greatest lesson Luke has taught you in the last 18 years?

– Tataylor24 asks – If you could record only ONE more episode of the IMPACT SHOW, who would your guest be and what would the topic be?

– JSR_Fitness7 asks – Out of all the letters in I.M.P.A.C.T., which one is the hardest for you to apply?

I hope you find great value and inspiration in today’s SHOW and a little fun with my Coach Wolf impersonation. Please share it with your community, family, and friends and have them subscribe to our podcast; that would be amazing. As always, thanks for what you do, and keep the questions coming in!

Please tag us at:

IG/Twitter: @ToddDurkin

FB: @ToddDurkinFQ10

Ep. 212 #LaborDay



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