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Episode 298

Lessons, Wisdom, Thoughts on Success, & Getting out of a Depression

I love when our podcast listeners send in their questions and ask me some DEEP ones. And that’s exactly what we have here today. I received 5 diverse and power-packed questions that deal with topics such as my favorite college lessons and memories, advice I would give to my 18 year old self, how I define success, my top 5 favorite books, and also how to eradicate pain and depression when facing an injury, surgery, setback, or challenge.

Here are the specific questions I answered on today’s episode::
– “I have a throwback question relative to 3 people who influenced me, and I’m sure you from your days at William & Mary. What are the top leadership and/or life lessons that you took from these 3 people …Jimmye Laycock, Fr. Kelly, Ernestine?” (from @stevenbrettwiley).
– “If you could give your 18-year old one piece of advice, what would it be?”
(from MasonThompson69)
– “How would you define success?” (from Luke.Bryan.Z33)
– “Your Top 5 favorite books” (from Coopersdadtyler)
– “I’m getting ready for spinal fusion of L3-L4-L5. I need some help eradicating pain & depression. It’s been a year long process…need some positive vibes. What should I do? Help…” (from Rjf11450. Dickie “The “Birdman” Frank)

LOVE these questions and please keep them coming in as I ready EVERY SINGLE one. Your questions, comments, feedback, and shares inspire me and I love highlighting our loyal listeners. If you find some great nuggets in today’s episode, please share it with a friend or on social media.”
Please tag me so I can share YOUR story or post:
IG/Twitter: @ToddDurkin



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