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Episode 274

SHIFT Happens…My Top 7 Lessons from the SHIFT Retreat

I am still riding the high of my SHIFT RETREAT a couple of weeks ago. We had over 120 people live & in-person going nuts. Today, I want to share some of that energy with you as I reflect upon my Top 7 Lessons/takeaways from the Retreat. You’re going to “feel” me on this one, and think it’s going to add some great energy to your week.

As a matter of fact, you will specifically hear things that relate to:

  1. The power of immersing in an inspiring environment.
  2. How to release the past…and get dreaming again.
  3. Why most great days start with movement/exercise.
  4. Why being “in the room” is so powerful.
  5. How to go even deeper in your faith-walk.
  6. How to amp up your own energy, vitality, and positive mindset.
  7. Why celebrating your “wins” in business or life are important.

Buckle-up. You’re going to love this one. As a matter of fact, I’m fired up to share some of the SHIFTS that were declared, the lives that were changed, and the IMPACT that’s being created. We are about to heat things up now so LISTEN IN.

Remember, please share this week’s episode with your family, friends, and colleagues. If you can hop over to iTunes and give us a 5-star rating and write a review, that really helps us motivate, inspire, and create even more IMPACT. Thank you!

Please be sure to tag me at: @ToddDurkin
#ToddDurkin #IMPACTShow #Podcast #Ep274 #SHIFTHAPPENS

Mentions: BFR Bands/B3 Sciences https://td.b3sciences.com/


Motion is lotion…movement is medicine. – Todd Durkin

James 1 Trials and Maturity: Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its full effect so that you may mature and complete, lacking nothing.



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