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Episode 201

Should You Start a Podcast…or Not?

One of the questions I get from a lot of the people I coach is, “Should I start a podcast?” While the easy answer is “Yes, of course, you should. The world deserves your voice”… there’s more than that.

Every decision is different and there must be a purpose/reason WHY you would start a podcast. There are a lot of factors in why one would WANT to start a podcast or maybe not start a podcast.

In today’s episode, I’ll share: …

– Why I started this podcast and why I love doing it.

– 7 Reasons WHY to potentially start a podcast of your own.

– 5 Reasons why you may NOT want to start a podcast.

– 5 Excuses for not starting a podcast…and what to do about it.

– And then some.

I hope today’s episode serves of great value to you. As you ascertain if podcasting is something you should do or not, my hope is that the experience I share on today’s show helps determine if podcasting is a great way for you to communicate with your tribe & inspire the world to greatness.

Additionally, please share & tag me at:

IG/Twitter: @ToddDurkin

Facebook: @TodddurkinFQ10

#ToddDurkin #IMPACTShow201 #StartingAPodcast



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