The 6 Rules I Have With My Kids

Do you wear a lot of “hats” in your life? You know, your “parent” hat, your “work” hat, your “spouse” hat… I’m no different. The most difficult “hat” I wear is the “Dad” hat. I absolutely love it. But man, it can be tough sometimes. For example, this past weekend, we had 14 games between […]

Happy Mother’s Day… 8 Reasons Why I Love My Mom!

Happy Mother’s Day… 8 Reasons Why I Love My Mom! “There’s a story behind everyone… and behind your story is always your mother’s story… because hers is where yours begins.” –Mitch Albom Mom. What a sweet word. It conjures up such sweet thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Mother’s Day is this Sunday (May 11th) and I […]

My Fitness Journey: Jeff King

I am a trainer. I am a person who loves to workout and inspire people to reach their health and fitness goals. I am a person who is aware of what I eat and how it affects me. I am a father who wants to inspire my daughter to live a lifestyle where physical, mental, […]

My Fitness Journey: By Joe Rote

My Fitness Journey By: Joe Rote Growing up, sports were always a huge part of my life. As a kid, I was always outside playing or participating in some sort of recreational league. My love of sports continued throughout my childhood and into high school where I participated in Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse. Being a […]

Basketball Off-Season Training

Basketball Off-Season Training By Jeff King, MA CSCS Personal Training, Fitness Quest 10 The month of March signified a couple of things—spring is on the horizon and the high school basketball season has gradually wound down to its end. Since mid-November, high school teams all over the United States have put in countless hours practicing […]