10 Father’s Day Lessons

I recently came across a letter I wrote on Fathers Day. The lessons are still very pertinent today and I wanted to share a few of them with you. Take a look and see “10 Lessons” from my Dad…and hopefully one or two or more speak to you on this Father’s Day!!!   10 Father’s […]

Mentor Lesson #1: Why I Stopped Getting Mail From My Dad

Todd thinking about his Dad

When I was in college, email did not exist. Imagine that. So if you wanted to drop someone a note, you literally had to put it in the mail and it would get there a few days later. And every single day while I was at William & Mary in Va, for 3.5 years, I […]

The 6 Rules I Have With My Kids

Do you wear a lot of “hats” in your life? You know, your “parent” hat, your “work” hat, your “spouse” hat… I’m no different. The most difficult “hat” I wear is the “Dad” hat. I absolutely love it. But man, it can be tough sometimes. For example, this past weekend, we had 14 games between […]


DAD By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS When I was a young boy, my parents divorced when I was just 5 years old. And when I was 7, my Dad moved to Colorado for work. I was devastated. And as a young child, I was scared I would never see him again. Fortunately, when I was […]

Traditions With Dad

Traditions With Dad By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS One of my favorite traditions when I was a boy was spending time with my dad in our local Hallmark card store on his birthday. I can vividly remember between the ages of 10-15 years old going to the Hallmark store and reading every birthday card made […]