Cracklings, Crawdads, and Boudin…Time to CHANGE a few things up?”

Cracklings, Crawdads, and Boudin…Time to CHANGE a few things up?” By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I was down in Lafayette, Louisiana a few weeks ago doing talks for the American Heart Association, and then a half-day “IMPACT Leadership” program for a private company specializing in oil and gas industry transportation. And a funny thing happened […]

My Fitness Journey: Meg Kruse

Meg’s Fitness Journey December 15, 2013 When I was growing up, my mother liked to tell people that until I turned 9, there was not one single home movie that showed my entire body at the same time – I was THAT active. It was either my upper body or my lower body, my back […]

Meg Kruse Interview with Todd Durkin– September 2013

Meg Kruse Interview with Todd Durkin– September 2013 Meg Kruse is a fitness trainer at Fitness Quest 10 and a figure competitor who just attained her PRO CARD by the IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilders) at the North American Championships in Pittsburgh, PA, on August 31, 2013. Todd did an in-depth interview with her about […]


Labor Day weekend. For many reasons, I always love this weekend. But there is one reason that really stands out. Let me share. You may have heard me tell this story because I have told it every Labor Day weekend for the past 25 years. It was Labor Day weekend in the Fall of 1988 at […]

Weight-Loss Ain’t Easy

Weight-Loss AIN’T Easy By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Weight-loss is one of the most common goals of clients and members at Fitness Quest 10. I know, I know. You want to improve your strength. And fitness. And health. But many people are also trying to lose an extra 5-10 pounds. Or 20. Or 50. Or […]

My Fitness Journey: Natalie Brown

When I was 6 years old I told my Mom and Dad that I didn’t want to play soccer anymore because “I hated running!”  This was a very interesting way to start my fitness journey. For those that know me now, times have changed. I love to run now. However, my 6 year old self […]