“My Fitness Journey,” featuring FQ10 Trainer Jesse Dietrick
My fitness journey started where most other California fitness pro’s journey does not start: on ice. Before I can even remember, I have always had a deep love and passion for playing hockey. I grew up in an active family. My mom is a trainer and my dad is an avid runner. Between the two […]
“MY FITNESS JOURNEY” Featuring Coach Jeff Bristol
MY FITNESS JOURNEY By: Coach Jeff Bristol, Fitness Quest 10 Personal Trainer What’s up guys, this is Coach Jeff Bristol and I wanted to give you guys a little background on myself and how fitness has made a huge impact on my life. I am so thankful that I have been active since a very young age […]
My Fitness Journey: Amelianne Johannes
Athlete…Active… These were always words I used to define myself, until one day, before I knew it, they were not relevant anymore. To understand my fitness journey I have to start at the beginning. I grew up in a cul-de-sac neighborhood. There was only one way in and one way out; the perfect place for a kid to […]
Clients In The Spotlight: Eden & Michael Sosa

We love to celebrate our clients at Fitness Quest 10. Check out the story of our clients Eden & Michael Sosa in our latest edition of clients in the spotlight. What is a quote you live by? Michael: “Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.” – Roger Crawford Eden: “Strong is the new skinny.” […]
My Fitness Journey: By Joe Rote
My Fitness Journey By: Joe Rote Growing up, sports were always a huge part of my life. As a kid, I was always outside playing or participating in some sort of recreational league. My love of sports continued throughout my childhood and into high school where I participated in Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse. Being a […]
My Fitness Journey: Natalie Brown
When I was 6 years old I told my Mom and Dad that I didn’t want to play soccer anymore because “I hated running!” This was a very interesting way to start my fitness journey. For those that know me now, times have changed. I love to run now. However, my 6 year old self […]