Corrective Exercise: Does it have a place in MMA strength training?

By Doug Balzarini, C.S.C.S., Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fitness Quest 10 (San Diego, CA) Trying to convince a combat athlete that thoracic spine mobility drills will help him in the octagon is like trying to convince my girlfriend that size doesn’t matter (talking arm size of course). These athletes want to be faster, stronger, and […]

So What Can We Do At Home?

By: Brett Klika, C.S.C.S. Director of Athletics, Fitness Quest 10 “What can we do at home to make our son or daughter a better athlete?” This is one of the most common questions I come across with parents. For the sake of this discussion, “at home” means things that are done outside of professionally supervised […]

Partner Training: A Different Approach to MMA Strength & Conditioning

I had been working with an athlete for several weeks in a traditional one-on-one setting and recently began to notice that his strength, energy levels, and overall intensity were down. In a recent session, I could sense early on in our mobility work that he was just going through the motions. Perhaps my teaching cues […]

The Scores Report chats with Drew Brees’ trainer, Todd Durkin

At your local gym, you may have been offered a chance to try out a tool called the TRX Suspension Training, which is an innovation by former elite Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick. As a Navy SEAL, Hetrick often found himself in remote safe houses with limited means to keep he and his soldiers in shape. […]

Are You Ready For Some Football?: Todd Durkin’s TRX Workout

You probably prep for football season by hauling out your lucky jersey and making sure there’s a six-pack in the fridge, but the guys on the field have done a heck of a lot more than that. To find out what it takes to move the chains, we asked Todd Durkin — who trained more […]

Stressed Out? Eat Up!

By: Tara Coleman Courtesy of the Total Gym Inside blog You are so stressed out and busy that your sleep is either long and restless or solid but way too short. So you wake up and start pounding coffee to get going. There’s no time to eat so by the time you get around to it you […]

Creating Fun, Effective Workouts For Your Athletes

Creating Fun, Effective Workouts For Your Athletes By Brett Klika, Fitness Quest 10 How do you go about designing a workout program that would challenge athletes and get them in peak shape?  How do you design programs that are creative, effective, and are still fun?  Especially college and pro athletes. That is definitely the “million […]

Top 5 Strength Tools For Combat Athletes

“Top 5 Strength Tools For Combat Athletes” By Doug Balzarini, C.S.C.S., Fitness Quest 10 As Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) continues to grow in popularity, so do the methods and techniques used to help the MMA athletes reach their full potential. Coaches are realizing that their athletes must have a complete well-rounded program that covers not […]

Home Is Where The Health Is

Home is Where the Health Is Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Our youth are getting fat and unhealthy.  You can beat the stats to death, but the consensus is that in less than 20 years, 1 out of 3 American children will be obese.  Not just a little baby fat, clinically obese.  Along with this condition comes […]

How To Handle Stress

STRESS – just seeing the word in print can raise your blood pressure!  Unfortunately, it is a fact of life for most of us.  Our culture is fast paced and competitive.  To survive and thrive, especially in an economic downturn, we have to wade through a steady stream of ubiquitous stressors.  So why is it […]