Meet Jack LaLanne: An American Hero & The Godfather of Fitness

One of the most amazing men to ever roam the planet was Jack LaLanne. He’s considered the “Godfather of Fitness” and he has some of the craziest, most extraordinary physical feats you will ever hear in your life. From setting a world-record of 1,000 pushups & 1,000 pullups in 1-hour and 22 minutes at the […]

What is a Hero & Meet Mine

If there’s ever a time the world needs more heroes, it’s NOW. And heroes don’t have to be famous, iconic, or even legendary. They can come in everyday walks of life. Today is the first episode of my new “Hero Series” where I will be featuring a few heroes from all walks of life over […]

Hero or Zero?

Rocky Balboa

Who do you want to be a HERO to? Think about that. Seriously. Who do you want to be a HERO to? I believe all of us have the ability within us to be a hero. Maybe it’s to your kids… Or to your clients… Or to your team… Or to your community… Maybe you […]