The 6 Rules I Have With My Kids

Do you wear a lot of “hats” in your life? You know, your “parent” hat, your “work” hat, your “spouse” hat… I’m no different. The most difficult “hat” I wear is the “Dad” hat. I absolutely love it. But man, it can be tough sometimes. For example, this past weekend, we had 14 games between […]

Are You an Energy SUCKER?

Are You an Energy SUCKER? By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Here I sit on the sideline before the 10th lacrosse game (no joke!) of the weekend. Brady (10) & Luke’s (12) teams have done incredibly well and they are both preparing for the Finals starting in just a matter of minutes. And here I sit […]

LAX Training with my son Luke on the TRX Rip Trainer

A couple weeks ago, I shared in my TD Times about my son Luke shooting his lacrosse ball through my neighbor’s window.  And I shared how we handled that “little” mis-fire. It was a great life-lesson. But I need to tell you a little bit more about the whole story. You see, Luke asked me […]

My son shoots a lacrosse ball through my neighbors window!

I got a call a few weeks ago at work that really upset me. It was my wife, Melanie, and she told me our oldest son, Luke, just shot his lacrosse ball through the neighbor’s bay window. “Whaaattttt???!!!!” I said. And for about 10 seconds, I could feel my blood pressure rising. And then I […]

My Fitness Journey: By Joe Rote

My Fitness Journey By: Joe Rote Growing up, sports were always a huge part of my life. As a kid, I was always outside playing or participating in some sort of recreational league. My love of sports continued throughout my childhood and into high school where I participated in Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse. Being a […]