Fitness Quest 10 News Special Report on MISS FIT BOOT CAMP!
This is an oldie but a goodie… Fitness Quest 10 field reporter and personal trainer, Anna Renderer, does a special report on Scripps Ranch Miss Fit Woman’s Boot Camp. Tune in and get the latest fitness news from around San Diego. [youtube=]
Health editor turned ‘Miss Fit:’ One and done? By: Jennifer Reed
Jennifer Reed, an editor from San Diego News Network took the MISS FIT boot camp challenge with Fitness Quest 10’s Anna Renderer. She has been writing about her experience since day one . Below is her last and latest entry about her MISS FIT experience! ENJOY! Day eight: December 14, 2009 The end is here. […]
Health Editor Turned ‘Miss Fit’ by Jennifer Reed, SDNN
SDNNs health and wellness editor, Jennifer Reed, is on a journey toward a better body.he next month, she will join Fitness Quest 10 trainer Anna Renderer and a group of “Miss Fit’s” in a women’s boot camp program, journaling her success along the way. Four weeks. Three days a week. Bright and early. SDNN’s health […]